
Vital Statistics

Name: Sanae
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): None yet in US
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 5
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Onna-Ranma

Profile: Sanae is the pet monkey of Miss Satsuki

After Onna-Ranma had trained in the ways of the Martial Arts Tea ceremony to help out Sentaro, it was revealed that Sanae was to be Onna-Ranma's opponent. At this time, Sanae was masquerading as Miss Satsuki, and so all involved were unaware that Miss Satsuki was not actually at the duel. Sanae proceeded to duel with Onna-Ranma until it was revealed that she was not Miss Satsuki, something that happened shortly after the real Miss Satsuki arrived on a runaway horse.

Personality: Sanae seems to be your typical pet monkey (if there is such a thing), much like those you find at the local zoo. However, she is very learned in the ways of Martial arts Tea Ceremony and is a ferocious fighter. She can be vindictive if she wishes to be, and did taunt Onna-Ranma when she refused to fight her.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez