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<bgsound src="music/celesrkc.mid" tppabs="http://ranmainfo.simplenet.com/music/celesrkc.mid">

Song Available = "Celes' Aria" - Remix version - Original Version from Final Fantasy III Soundtrack

Frank/RyogaWell, just in case you're interested, here's an update summary of this page, my special thanks, and my own personal thoughts on the phenomenon that is Ranma 1/2. ^_^

Ranma and Akane

Ranma 1/2 Library Update Summary Archive

(Current time period archived = March 21, 1997 - June 30, 1998)

Recent Update Summary

September 3, 1998:-new profiles added (Lin-Lin, Monlon, Raichi), Cast of Ranma 1/2 page Revised, current voting results posted, Voting Results page Revised, new "Too Much Ranma" list posted (Onna-Ranma list), "Too Much Ranma" page Revised, Voting Form page Revised, new links added, Links page Revised, new fanfics posted (All for the Better, Finally More Than Friends, Ranma vs. Doom), Fanfic page Revised, new background being tested on main page, Main page Revised

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(NOTE: I update a lot, as you may have noticed above. Hope you don't mind the mail!)

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My Thoughts on Ranma 1/2

Before I begin, lets get a few things out of the way. I would really like to thank (obviously) Rumiko Takahashi for having the creative genius to make up such an innovative series, and even though the series is finished in Japan, it still has a long ways to go here in the US. Thanks secondly to SimpleNet, which gives me the forum to put out a page like this one. Many thanks to the Ranma ML for their input, knowledge, and help in helping edit out all the "Viz-dependant" stuffs and false examples ^_- Also, as I said briefly before, thanks to all those other pages out there that I found and used to gather pics, info, and correct spellings. You aren't forgotten. ^_^

My relationship with Ranma 1/2 came in an unusual way. One day, about 3 years ago at the local video game store, I was looking for something to buy with my money - something innovative and creative. Having possessed most of the Super Nintendo 'sāŒ fighting games, I was looking for a new challenge.

Suddenly, I spotted something in the "19.99 and up" section - a game called "Ranma 1/2 - Hard Battle". It was the cartoonish looking panda in the background of the cover that caught my eye. Having not played a cartoon fighting game before, I decided to purchase the game.

Upon playing the game, I immediately loved the techniques. They were somewhat unique in nature, and this was made even more so by the fact that it was cartoonish in appearance (I laughed at the poses and the expressions they made when they were hit). And there seemed to be an underlying story, as the prelude for each character showed.

So thus my addiction with Ranma, and anime in general, began not with the videos or the comics, but with a little-known fighting game that was not selling quite that well in the U.S.

I went from the game to buying the graphic novels, and was soon immersed in the story of Ranma 1/2. Extra little details and characters I hadn't seen in the game popped up all over the place, which intrigued me even more. Eventually I was able to get hold of some videos of Ranma 1/2, and began renting and watching them until I got better acquainted with the Ranma 1/2 universe.

Now, I've extended my Ranma 1/2 addiction to the Net. I truly hope this page serves its purpose as an information page and that many people come to see the "fruits of my labor". Thanks for coming! ^_^

Frank Sanchez
Author and Maintainer of the Ranma 1/2 Library

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Ranma Saotome says:

"Yo, hope you've enjoyed the Ranma 1/2 Library. There's so much info on me and everyone else, it's a little scary, but hey, Frank wouldn't be doin' this if he didn't think I was the best! Well, I guess you could click on the left arrow to go to Ranma 1/2 Library Organizations or the right arrow to go to the Ranma 1/2 Library Suggestion Box/Voting Form...."

Akane (from off-page): "RAAAAANNNNMAAAA! How DARE you say my cooking is bad!! You jerk! When I find you..."

Ranma:"Uh-oh...maybe I should hide in the Ranma 1/2 Library Main Page for a while....well, don't forget to sign Frank's guestbook before you go! Enjoy the page...bye!"

āŒ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on September 3, 1998