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Ranma Fight Pic

Frank/RyogaAnother big part of the series is the fighting and the martial arts techniques that come from that fighting. "Anything-Goes Martial Arts" is, in effect, anything and everything can become a part of the style, and I do mean EVERYTHING.

Takahashi-san, it seems, has given each of the characters (that have martial-arts skills) a unique style that labels them. Here is a short breakdown of each characters strengths and weaknesses, and the techniques they use...

Ranma||Ryouga||Shampoo||Martial Arts, page 2||Other characters|

Ranma pic

Ranma Saotome

Style: Anything-Goes Martial Arts (Saotome school)

Strengths: It seems that Ranma is an adaptive martial artist; that is, he learns from his mistakes very well. I do not think I have seen Ranma get defeated twice in a row. He always finds a way to get around someone's defense or technique. Of course, Ranma possesses a very high skill level as well, and can learn things literally overnight. Possessing a blend of the Japanese style, and a little of the Chinese, Ranma is a very formidable foe. A quick thinker in battle, Ranma (at full strength) is more apt to beat you with battle savviness rather than raw power.

Weaknesses: If Ranma has one weakness, it's his ego. Ranma's a proud guy, and obviously thinks he can beat anyone. This has been taken advantage by many a new opponent. Ranma also has a horrible fear of cats, instilled in him when he was young by his father Genma, who tried to train him once by repeatedly throwing him into a pit of hungry cats. This weak spot may become a strength for Ranma, because he learned the near-invincible cat-fist in the process (see below). Ranma's girl-form is weaker than his male form, but his girl-form is faster. Ranma also tends to hold back against female opponents, hesitating to use full strength on them.

Special Techniques:

Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken (Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire Punch): This is a technique taught to Ranma by Cologne. The move involves punching so quickly that one could grab chestnuts from an open fire without gettting burned. Obviously, that's pretty darn fast.

Moko Takabisha (Fierce Tiger Ball): Ranma invented this technique himself as a countermeasure to Ryouga's Shishi Hokoudan technique. Ranma draws upon his confidence and determination, and releases it in the form of a ball of chi energy.

Hiryu Shoten Ha (Rising Dragon Hurricane): Ranma learned this from Cologne as well. This powerful technique of Ranma's takes an opponent's heated anger, and Ranma's cool calmness and brings the two forces together. The resultng opposite tension creates a twister of energy/wind which hits the opponent.

Saotome Secret Technique (Fast Break): Not much to this one. Ranma faces away from his opponent and runs away to buy himself time to think on how to defeat a suppposedly invincible opponent.

Neko Ken (Cat Fist): Ranma employs this technique automatically when his fear of cats peaks. Ranma suppresses his fear of cats by acting like one (he remembers none of what happens in this state). In this state, he is near invincible.

Dual Jet Stream Raging Waters Attack (Anime Only): See entry below for Akane Tendou.

Ranma/Akane Hiryu Shoten Ha Revised Attack (Anime Only): See entry for Akane.

Saotome School Final Attack: Man Muss Project (Anime Only): Ranma used this to trick and weaken Happosai one time. He had Akane replace the old pervert's stolen panties with unwashed men's undergarments and sportswear.

Saotome Shooting Star Kick: Ranma flies forward, channeling his chi into a deadly jump kick. He used this against Tarou to weaken his gigantic cursed form.

Shishkabob: An vicious upward kick meant to hit an opponent like a sharp stick going through pieces of meat and vegetables. Ranma used this to counter one of Mousse's attacks.

Umi-sen-ken Techniques: One-half of a series of techiques created by Genma, the techniques are designed to emulate a quiet thief's moves. These techniques involve trickery and fast movement. Ranma learned these to counter Ryuu Kumon, who possessed the other half of the techniques.

Coconut Crush (Anime Only): Ranma used this technique to prevent his hair from being cut by the Principal. Tied up with his hands being unable to move, Rnama does a vicious swinging kick which smashes the opponent against the nearest object.

Tea Spoon Darts: Part of the techniques of Martial Arts Tea ceremony that Ranma learned, this technique involves thwoing tea spoons out like shuriken, or throwing stars.

Pot Counter-Strike: Part of the techniques of Martial Arts Tea ceremony, this technique involves counter an opponents' Teapot strike with one of your own.

Ladle Strike: Part of the techniques of Martial Arts Tea ceremony, this technique involves hitting an opponent with a ladle sued for spooning tea.

Double Decker Pot Strike: Part of the techniques of Martial Arts Tea ceremony, this technique builds on the conventional Pot Strike, using two pots instead of one to strike the enemy.

Gourmet de Fois Gras: A sub-technique of the school of Martial Arts Eating which was used by a member of the Chardins who did not have a huge mouth like his relatives. Instead of racing to eat the food himself, the user puts his or her own food into the opponent's mouth without knowing it, while at the same time still devouring their own food minimally, in order to win the match. Ranma used this technique in his match against Picolette Chardin II.

Hiryu Kourin Dan: A revisal and variation of the Hiryu Shoten Ha technique, Ranma uses this as a way to counter Herb's knowledge of the Hiryu Shoten Ha technique, which Herb turned on Ranma and countered, sending Ranma into the air with a Hiryu Shoten Ha of his own. Ranma channeled the energy of Herb's counter-Hiryu Shoten Ha into one huge chi ball of energy, which he fires downward at Herb as he spirals downward through the chi tornado.

Ryoga Pic

Ryouga Hibiki

Style: Kenpo/Karate

Strengths: Ryouga may not have as much skill as Ranma, but he makes up for this in strength. He is obviously stronger and has more stamina/endurance than Ranma, and this is demonstrated in the style of his techniques. He lifts and breaks large objects very easily. Ryouga also possesses a wealth of projectile weapons (bandannas and umbrella) which can be easily manipulated to his advantage in a fight. He also has shown a propensity to taking damage, able to take large amounts of it and still keep fighting. A couple of hits from a strong martial artist like Ryouga could probably end a match very quickly.

Weaknesses: Ryouga's obvious first weakness is that he can't get hit with cold water, or else he becomes a pig. Aside from biting and bouncing around,Ryouga is pretty weak as a little black pig. Ryouga also tends to rely on a newly-learned technique by itself to win sometimes. Ryouga is also an emotional fighter, and this can either be a strength or a weakness for him. Ryouga's horrible sense of direction may also cause him to lose his opponent. He also tends to have a "berserker" type of fighting style - not fighting very carefully and attacking more than defending.

Special Techniques:

Aside from using:

An umbrella, which weighs a ton, but which Ryouga wields one-handed very easily,

a belt, which he can snap out and use as a bludgeoning weapon or a bladed sword,

and numerous bandannas, which are all tied around Ryouga's head at the same time, and are used by him as shuriken...

Ryouga also employs these techniques:

Bakusai Tenketsu (Blasting or Breaking Point/Earth Tremor Attack): This technique was taught to Ryouga by Cologne to help him try to beat Ranma. It involves seeing the breaking point of something with your mind, and hitting it with one finger, shattering the object. This only works on objects made of stone and rock, however.

Shishi Hokoudan (Roaring Lion/Depression Blast): This technique was learned by Ryouga when he became trapped in an underground excavation tunnel. An excavation worker taught Ryouga this. The technique goes as follows: one channels the negative energy of heavy feelings, like depression, into his/her body and releases it in the form of a giant discharge of "chi" energy. The more heavy the feeling is, the bigger the blast, and for Ryouga and his depression over many things, especially his love for Akane, this is a perfect technique for him.

Shampoo Pic


Style: Joketsuzoku (Chinese Amazon Style) Fighting

Strengths: Shampoo is obviously very skilled. After all, she was trained by the best, her great-grandmother Cologne. Shampoo has only suffered defeats in one-on-one combat to Ranma. A very quick fighter, and yet fairly strong, Shampoo uses all of the techniques taught to her and takes advantage of an opponent's weakness or slowness quite quickly. Can attack and defend with equal efficiency. Shampoo strength is also high enough such that she is able to crash through walls and other strong substances without suffering injury.

Weaknesses: Of course, Shampoo's first weakness is her Jusenkyo curse, as she, like Ryouga, can't really fight in her cursed form. Also, Shampoo can be distracted by Ranma.

Special Techniques:

Aside from being able to wield Bonbori, two sticks with large heavy balls attached to the ends, and various swords and Amazonian weapons,

Shampoo possesses these techniques:

Xi Fang Xiao (Memory Loss Shiatsu Technique): Shampoo employed this technique on Akane once, to try and get her to forget Ranma. The technique involves blending special Chinese herbal shampoo with the pressing of pressure points on the head to manipulate memory. Akane, as a result, remembered everything but Ranma, and Ranma had to find an antidote.

Delivery Box Blowout: (NOTE: Only seen in Manga): Shampoo somehow strikes the outside of a delivery container such that the food inside is ruined. She used this technique in a delivery race, where destroying the food meant disqualifying whoever had his/her food destroyed.

Ramen Suffocator (NOTE: Only seen in Manga): Shampoo used this technique to try and gain the upper hand in a delivery contest. It involves wrapping the opponent's head completely in cooked ramen, cutting off their oxygen supply. The only way out is to eat the noodles.

Remote Control Acupuncture: Shampoo uses her knowledge of pressure points to hit the sides of an opponent's head, causing them to fall unconscious. When he victim wakes, they are compelled to do whatever Shampoo wishes, essentially making them into a puppet for a temporary amount of time. Shampoo used this on Akane to attempt to get her magic soap back from Ryouga.

To Ranma 1/2 Martial Arts Summary/Analysis, Page 2

To other characters' techniques

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Cologne says:

"Well young ones, you aren't so bad at finding your way around this place. With three hundred years of Chinese Amazon history right before your eyes, who would want to leave? But if you do want to go somewhere, just click on the left arrow to go to The Cursed Springs of Jusenkyo or click the right arrow to go to Ranma's World. Maybe the Ranma 1/2 Library Main Page is the place you want to go. See you later...and tell that future son-in-law he's still 100 years too early for me!"

⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on August 11, 1998