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Martial Arts Analysis, pt. 4

Akane||Genma||Soun||Martial Arts Analysis, pt. 1

Akane Pic

Akane Tendou

Style: Anything-Goes Martial Arts (Tendou school)

Strengths: Akane has a lot of brute strength and raw power, which she uses mostly to beat up Ranma. She is also a very determined fighter, willing to train and learn more toward becoming a better martial artist. The martial artist who probably puts the most effort in her traning, when need be.

Weaknesses: Akane doesn't have the skill that any of the others do. Akane knows only the basics of the Anything-Goes style, and has not learned any special techniques as of yet. Her normal attacks are usually useless against other people such as Shampoo, Ranma, and others. However, there is still a potential for her to learn those techniques.

Special Techniques:

Akane has a great skill in finding and using bludgeoning weapons (wooden swords, mallets, etc.) but has not learned any techniques as far as I know of, except...

Dual Jet Stream Raging Waters Attack (Anime Only): Used in conjunction with Ranma, this technique involves Ranma and Akane locking arms back to back and flipping each other over, repeatedly kicking all the way. The technique ends with Ranma and Akane shooting up like a jet stream of water and kicking the opponent hard on the way down.

Ranma/Akane Hiryu Shoten Ha Revised Attack (Anime Only): Another combo attack that Akane used with Ranma. The technique goes as follows: Ranma uses his Hiryu Shoten Ha technique, shooting it horizontally. Akane then uses the momentum of the technique to fly in and take out the opposition. This technique was used against Kurumi and Natsume, two sisters who had taken the Tendou dojo away from Akane and Ranma.

Genma Pic

Genma Saotome

Style: Anything-Goes Martial Arts (Saotome school)

Strengths: Genma obviously has the advantage of being able to fight well in human and panda form. He also seems to have more skill than Ranma, obviously, since he taught him. Genma's skill doesn't appear to have gone with his age, and keeps up with his son Ranma very easily.

Weaknesses: Genma is easily distracted by money, food, etc. and on top of that, he's somewhat of a coward, running away at the slightest hint of danger. He also seems to work better in a team (most preferably with his friend, Soun) rather than in a one-on-one fight.

Special Techniques:

Saotome Secret Technique: See entry under Ranma Saotome

Saotome Secret Cooking Techniques: Well, this is not much of a technique, although Genma calls it one. It just involves cooking camp rice effectively over a cooking fire.

Super Secret Ninja Tricks (Anime Only): These rules for the ninja way were taught to Genma by Chingensai, a martial arts master that he and Soun stumbled upon while traveling.

Crouch of the Wild Tiger: Genma bases this technique off of the story of a wild tiger who fell off a great cliff. The move itself is not very complex - it merely involves Genma kneeling on the ground and bowing repeatedly, saying "I'm sorry".

Umi-sen-ken, Yami-sen-ken Techniques: Genma created these two sets of techniques and put them down on two separate scrolls. The Umi-sen-ken techniques are designed to emulate a "quiet" thief's movements and the Yami-sen-ken techniques are designed to emulate a "noisy" thief's movements.

Hell Cradle: Genma uses this technique to squeeze an opponent to death, much like a panda sqeezes objects in its paws with incredible force. Genma attempted to use this on Ranma in a duel.

Humiliating Photo-Fu: Genma attempts to embarrass his opponent by mercilessly showing bystanders embarrassing photos of him or her, usually very unflattering. Genma used this technique on Ranma as his way of "hitting below the belt", showing Ukyou and Akane pictures of Ranma when he was 7, wetting the bed, and when he was older, naked and running from a cat.

Soun Pic

Soun Tendou

Style: Anything-Goes Martial Arts (Tendou school)

Strengths: Soun hasn't really been in action fighting-wise to assess his strengths. I assume he has the same skill level as Genma, and taught Akane all she knows.

Weaknesses: Soun is a very emotional person - this could take away from his fighting. Like Genma, he is somewhat of a coward who won't face danger head on.

Special Techniques:

Super Secret Ninja Tricks (Anime Only): See entry under Genma Saotome.

Big Head: Not really an offensive technique, more of a way to threaten people. Soun causes his head to look huge and demon-like to scare people.

To Ranma 1/2 Martial Arts Summary/Analysis, part 1

Other Characters' Techniques