
Vital Statistics

Name: Kiima
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 37 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Kiima is the leader and main warrior of Saffron's army of Phoenix people, and is also the caretaker of Saffron, partly responible for raising him from a small phoenix egg to a young boy (and who will later be recharged into adult form. She turns human when splashed with cold water, having jumped into Nyannichuan when young.

Kiima, along with Masara and Koruma, are after the Jusenkyo map that Plum holds, because it holds the key to Saffron's transformation and maturation into an adult. Unfortunately, this transformation would require taking water from the Source of Jusenkyo, meaning that all the cursed springs would be dried up forever in the process. Though unsuccessful at first, Kiima decides to use trickery and guile to get the map away from Ranma and his friends.

When the map is divided up, Kiima uses a manipulative trick to get the map pieces. Capturing Shampoo, Kiima entraps her in a magic egg which, when hatched, would make the person trapped in it pledge total loyalty to the first person they see. Shampoo is tricked and entranced by Kiima in this way, and Kiima uses Shampoo to collect all of the remaining pieces of the Jusenkyo map, which she then escapes with, with Ranma and company in hot pursuit.

Later on, Kiima needs to pick up the Kinjakan, Saffron's main weapon, from Ranma, in order to complete Saffron's maturation. In order to do this, she captures Akane, and throws her into a vacant pool, making her almost drown in it, and creating a new drowned Jusenkyo spring - the Spring of Drowned Akane. She then dives into it - and now Kiima is able to turn into the form of Akane with cold water. Using this trick, she confronts Ranma and, in the bathroom at an inn in the road, tricks him into giving up the Kinjakan, which she escapes with.

Eventually, Ranma and the others reach Kiima, and it is later that Kiima fights with Akane. Though not a major part of the final battle, Kiima still is able to complete the maturation process of Saffron and set things up for Ranma's final battle with the self-proclaimed "Ruler of Jusenkyo"...

Personality: Kiima is not as much a fighter (though she will fight, and fight well), as she is a trickster. Preferring guile and strategy over brawn and strength, she lays out carefully constructed plans in order to achieve her goals. As a result of her poor upbringing of Saffron, he has ended up quite spoiled and haughty, much like Kiima's personality. Kiima is manipulative and sneaky, and will even stoop to immoral means in order to further her own ends.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez