
Vital Statistics

Name: Plum
Age: 11
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 37 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Plum is the daughter of the Jusenkyo Guide, and helps to maintain the guiding of the Jusenkyo training grounds with him. When the Jusenkyo Guide was attacked by the mysterious Phoenix people, Plum traveled by boat to Japan to warn those who had fallen into the cursed springs most recently - namely, Ranma and his friends.

Plum escaped and was later found by Ranma and the others, saved from two of the Phoenix people who were attacking her. The reason they were attacking her was for a certain object in her possession, a map of Jusenkyo. Plum tells Ranma (and the others, who all gathered at the Neko Hanten) not to let the Phoenix people get the map, since they needed it to help the ir leader, Saffron, gain immortal, and omnipotent form. Because the process by which this would be achieved would dry up the Jusenkyo springs in the process, eliminating all chance of a cure, Ranma and co. decide to help guard it by dividing it up into pieces. However, these pieces are all eventually acquired by the Phoenix people.

Plum is forced to lead Ranma and the others back to China and Jusenkyo, and to lead them underground to the source of Jusenkyo, where Saffron and the other Phoenix people were. In the process, Plum is able to find her captured father, the Guide, but is helpless to watch as Ranma and the others begint heir fiercest battle yet - one that they would eventually win, but only after exhausting themselves...

Personality: Plum, though young, is highly independant and responsible for one of her age. She is highly knowledgeable in the ways and springs of Junsekyo, and is being trained by her father to be the next Jusenkyo Guide when he retires. Though very knowledgeable about Jusenkyo, Mount Phoenix, and its secrets, she is very careful, and will not jump rashly into a situation she cannot win, though she will fight if backed into a corner.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez