
Vital Statistics

Name: Bake-Neko
Age: ?
Eyes: Golden
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 120 (Japanese)
Love Interest: Shampoo
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: The Bake-Neko, or "Ghost Cat" as it is translated, is the spirit of a Cat who resides in the Cat Temple, a place where many cats and felines of all sorts seem to be drawn towards.

The Bake-Neko kidnaps Shampoo, intending to marry her because of her curse which turns her into a cat. In order to guarantee that she wouldn't escape, the Bake-Neko put a curse on Shampoo, making her unable to leave the temple even if she was able to break the cage she is imprisoned in. The only way Shampoo would have been able to leave the Temple was if she changed into a cat willingly, playing right into the Bake-Neko's hands.

Worried about her disappearance, Ranma, Akane, and Mousse all decide to go to the Cat Temple (the last place Shampoo was seen) in order to find out what happened to her. Upon finding out that the Temple was completely surrounded by cats, however, Ranma's conditioned fear of cats made him deathly afraid and unwilling to go inside the complex to save Shampoo. To make matters worse, the Bake-Neko has a set time-limit on the rescue of Shampoo - if Ranma and the others don't rescue her, and if Shampoo is not able to kiss the one she loves (Ranma) by the 108th bell signifying the New Year, Shampoo would become a cat forver, and the bride of the Bake-Neko.

With a new sense of urgency, Ranma is able to distract the various cats around the Temple with Akane's help, and enter to the room where Shampoo is held. However, just before he kisses her, both Akane and Mousse charge in, having beaten up the Bake-Neko, both not wanting Ranma to kiss Shampoo. Eventually, in a complete accident, Ranma is able to kiss Shampoo, who had turned to cat-form and was almost like that permanently. The Bake-Neko's plan is foiled.

Personality: The Bake-Neko is looking for a potential mate and will do anything to get that mate. He believes that Shampoo is the perfect mate for him and attempted to gain her as a bride by trapping her. He also appears to know about both Ranma's fear of cats and Shampoo's cursed form, and uses both to his advantage.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez