reference clock
An object that provides a clock and supports the scheduling of events according to time as counted by that clock. Any reference clock must support the IReferenceClock interface. The time of the clock can be obtained by calling the IReferenceClock::GetTime method. The time returned by GetTime is defined as a REFERENCE_TIME type (LONGLONG) and loosely represents the number of 100-nanosecond units that have elapsed since some fixed start time. The return value should generally increase at a rate of approximately one per 100 nanoseconds. In exceptional circumstances, the clock can stop for a time. (This will suspend any filter that was using the clock as a sync source.) The clock can also jump forward in exceptional circumstances.
reference time
An absolute time established by a reference clock in the filter graph. It refers to some time value outside the filter graph(for example, perhaps the time since Windows was started). The reference time can be obtained by calling the IReferenceClock::GetTime method. The time returned is defined as a REFERENCE_TIME type (LONGLONG) and loosely represents the number of 100-nanosecond units that have elapsed since some fixed start time. Note that the reference time does not have to bear any permanent relationship to a real time. It is allowed to drift, it can drift at a changing rate, and it need not correct for such drift. In particular, it does not have to represent a count of the number of 100 nanoseconds that have passed since some arbitrary time in the past. See Understanding Time and Clocks in DirectShow for more information.
A filter that renders media data to any location that accepts media input. Most often, data is rendered to a computer monitor, sound card, or printer. Renderer filters have only input pins.
rendering filter
See renderer.
retail build
The smallest and fastest type of build, it is not as robust as a debug build.
run time
The control and a set of DLLs that enable you to play back the supported media types.

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