CDeferredCommand Class

CDeferredCommand class hierarchy

Deferred commands are queued by calls to methods on the IQueueCommand interface and are exposed by the filter graph manager and by some filters. A successful call to one of these methods returns an IDeferredCommand interface representing the queued command.

A CDeferredCommand object represents a single deferred command and exposes the IDeferredCommand interface as well as other methods that permit time checks and actual execution. A CDeferredCommand object contains a reference to the CCmdQueue object on which it is queued.

Reference counts control the lifetime of the CDeferredCommand class. When calling the CDeferredCommand::Invoke member function, the calling application gets an interface pointer that is reference-counted, and the CCmdQueue object also holds a reference count on the deferred command. Calling the IDeferredCommand::Cancel member function takes the deferred command off the command queue and thus reduces the reference count by one. Once taken off the queue, the command cannot be put back on the queue.

Protected Data Members
Name Description
m_pQueue Pointer to the CCmdQueue object that exposes the IQueueCommand interface.
m_pUnk IUnknown pointer to the interface on which the command will be run.
m_time Time at which the command will be run.
m_iid Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the interface.
m_dispidMethod Method on the interface to run.
m_wFlags Flags specifying the context of the invocation.
m_pvarResult Resulting information, if any, from the invoked method.
m_bStream Flag for stream time or presentation time.
m_DispParams CDispParams object containing the DISPPARAMS parameter list to be passed to the invoked method.
m_Dispatch Accesses the ITypeInfo interface.
m_hrResult Stores the returned HRESULT value.

Member Functions
Name Description
CDeferredCommand Constructs a CDeferredCommand object.
GetFlags Returns the context flags associated with the deferred command.
GetIID Returns the interface identifier (IID) of the interface on which the method will be run.
GetMethod Returns the dispatch identifier of the method to be run.
GetParams Returns the DISPPARAMS argument list to the method.
GetResult Returns the resulting argument list, if one exists.
GetTime Returns the time when the method will be run.
Invoke Provides access to methods and properties exposed by an object.
IsStreamTime Specifies whether the command is to be run at stream time or presentation time.

Implemented IDeferredCommand Methods
Name Description
Cancel Cancels a previously queued CDeferredCommand::Invoke request.
Confidence Returns a confidence value that describes the probability of the deferred command being run on time.
Postpone Specifies a new presentation time for a previously queued command.
GetHResult Returns the HRESULT value of the invoked method.

Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description
NonDelegatingQueryInterface Returns a specified reference-counted interface.


CDeferredCommand Class

Cancels a previously queued CDeferredCommand::Invoke request.

HRESULT Cancel( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IDeferredCommand::Cancel method.


CDeferredCommand Class

Constructs a CDeferredCommand object.

  CCmdQueue * pQ,
  HRESULT * phr,
  LPUNKNOWN pUnkExecutor,
  REFTIME time,
  GUID* iid,
  long dispidMethod,
  short wFlags,
  long cArgs,
  VARIANT* pDispParams,
  VARIANT* pvarResult,
  short* puArgErr,
  BOOL bStream

Object that exposes the IQueueCommand interface.
Outer IUnknown interface for aggregation.
Returning HRESULT value.
Object that will carry out this command.
Time at which the command will be run.
Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the interface that contains the method.
Method on the interface to call.
Context of the invocation.
Number of arguments passed.
List of argument variant types.
Returned variant type list, if any.
Last argument in the pDispParams parameter list with an error.
TRUE if the deferred command time is in stream time; FALSE if in presentation time.
Return Values

No return value.


CDeferredCommand Class

Retrieves a confidence value on a scale of 0 to 100 that describes the probability that the deferred command will be run on time.

HRESULT Confidence(
  LONG *pConfidence

Confidence level.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


Higher confidence values indicate a greater probability of timely execution. For example, a command queued at a presentation time that has already passed will return a value of 0. A value of 100 would indicate, with absolute certainty, that the command can be run on time.

This member function implements the IDeferredCommand::Confidence method.


CDeferredCommand Class

Returns the context flags associated with the deferred command.

short GetFlags( );

Return Values

The value retrieved will be one of the following.
Value Description
DISPATCH_METHOD Run the member as a method. If a property has the same name, both this and the DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET flag may be set.
DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET The member is being retrieved as a property or data member.
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT The member is being changed as a property or data member.
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF The member is being changed via a reference assignment, rather than a value assignment. This flag is valid only when the property accepts a reference to an object.


CDeferredCommand Class

Returns the HRESULT value from the invoked command.

  HRESULT* phrResult

HRESULT value.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IDeferredCommand::GetHResult method.


CDeferredCommand Class

Retrieves the interface identifier (IID) of the interface on which the method will be run.



CDeferredCommand Class

Retrieves the dispatch identifier of the method to be run.

long GetMethod( );


CDeferredCommand Class

Retrieves the DISPPARAMS argument list to the method.

DISPPARAMS* GetParams( );


CDeferredCommand Class

Retrieves the resulting argument list, if one exists.

VARIANT* GetResult( );


CDeferredCommand Class

Returns the time at which the method will be run.

CRefTime GetTime( );

Return Values

Returns a CRefTime object containing a reference time.


CDeferredCommand Class

Provides access to methods and properties exposed by an object.

HRESULT Invoke( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


CDeferredCommand Class

Specifies whether the command is to be run at stream time or presentation time.

BOOL IsStreamTime( );

Return Values

Returns TRUE if set to stream time; otherwise, returns FALSE.


CDeferredCommand Class

Returns a specified reference-counted interface.

HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
  REFIID riid,
  void **ppv

Reference identifier.
Pointer to the interface.
Return Values

Returns pointers to the IDeferredCommand and IUnknown interfaces by default.


Override this method to publish any additional interfaces implemented by the derived class.

This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method.


CDeferredCommand Class

Specifies a new presentation time for a previously queued command.

HRESULT Postpone(
  REFTIME newtime

New presentation time.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IDeferredCommand::Postpone method.

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