CDispParams Class

CDispParams class hierarchy

The CDispParams class implements the DISPPARAMS structure used in Automation as a C++ base class. The IDispatch::Invoke method uses the OLE DISPPARAMS structure to contain the arguments passed to any method or property.

The DISPPARAMS structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct FARSTRUCT tagDISPPARAMS{
VARIANTARG FAR* rgvarg;               // Array of arguments
   DISPID FAR* rgdispidNamedArgs;     // Dispatch IDs of named arguments
   unsigned int cArgs;                // Number of arguments
   unsigned int cNamedArgs;           // Number of named arguments

Member Functions
Name Description
CDispParams Constructs a CDispParams object.


CDispParams Class

Constructs a CDispParams object.

  UINT nArgs,
  VARIANT* pArgs

Number of arguments passed to the method or property.
Pointer to the list of arguments. In the list, each argument is stored with its variant type.
Return Values

No return value.

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