CBaseWindow Class

CBaseWindow class hierarchy

The CBaseWindow class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread pulls messages from the window's input queue and dispatches them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by the CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow member function and destroyed by the CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow member function. The window should also be initialized by the CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow member function and uninitialized by the CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow member function. After preparing and initializing a window, size it by using the CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow member function; hide the window using the CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow member function.

Protected Data Members
Name Description
m_bActivated Flag to indicate window activation status.
m_bBackground Flag to indicate if palettes are to be realized in the background.
m_ClassStyles Class styles for the window.
m_hdc Device context (DC) for the window.
m_Height Client window height.
m_hInstance Global module instance handle.
m_hPalette Handle to a palette belonging to this object.
m_hwnd Handle for this object's window.
m_MemoryDC Memory DC used for fast bit-block transfer operations.
m_pClassName Static string holding the class name.
m_RealizePalette Message sent to indicate the window palette has changed.
m_ShowStageMessage Message sent by IVideoWindow::SetWindowForeground that moves the current window to the foreground and optionally gives it focus.
m_ShowStageTop Message sent to set the window to WS_EX_TOPMOST style.
m_SyncWorker CAMEvent data member used to provide interthread synchronization.
m_SyncWorkerCreate CAMMsgEvent data member used to signal the constructor for the window class when to create the window.
m_hThread Worker thread for the window.
m_ThreadSignal Data member used by the thread to signal errors.
m_Width Client window width.
m_WindowLock Data member used to serialize window object access.
m_WindowStyles Data member used to serialize the initial window styles.
m_WindowStylesEx Data member used to serialize the initial extended window styles.

Member Functions
Name Description
CBaseWindow Constructs a CBaseWindow object.
DoSetWindowForeground Brings the window to the foreground.
DoShowWindow Sets the show state of the specified window.
GetMemoryHDC Retrieves the default offscreen memory device context (DC).
GetWindowHDC Retrieves the default main window DC.
GetWindowHeight Retrieves the current window height.
GetWindowHWND Retrieves the window handle for the window.
GetWindowWidth Retrieves the current window width.
PerformanceAlignWindow Aligns the window to a DWORD boundary for maximum performance.
PaintWindow Invalidates the window client area.

Overridable Member Functions
Name Description
ActivateWindow Sizes the window according to the requirements of the derived class.
DoneWithWindow Closes, deletes, and frees the window resources.
DoRealisePalette Selects and realizes the current palette in the window.
GetClassWindowStyles Returns class and window information.
GetDefaultRect Returns the default size for the window.
InactivateWindow Hides the window.
InitialiseWindow Creates the default device contexts.
MessageLoop Implements a window message loop.
OnClose Handles the WM_CLOSE message for the base class.
OnSize Handles WM_SIZE messages for the base class.
OnReceiveMessage Indicates a base class implementation of a window procedure.
PrepareWindow Initializes the window along with a worker thread.
SetPalette Changes the palette that the window should realize.
UninitialiseWindow Destroys the device contexts created for the window.


CBaseWindow Class

Sizes the window according to the requirements of the derived class.

virtual HRESULT ActivateWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function calls CBaseWindow::GetDefaultRect, which a derived class should override to return the size of the images that will be displayed. ActivateWindow then sizes the window so that the client area matches this size.


CBaseWindow Class

Constructs a CBaseWindow object.


Specifies if the window should get a device context.
Return Values

No return value.


The window and its worker thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed by CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow.


CBaseWindow Class

Destroys the window and its worker thread.

virtual HRESULT DoneWithWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The base window class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread is responsible for pulling messages from the window's input queue and dispatching them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed by CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow. The window should also be initialized using CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow and uninitialized using CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow. Having prepared a window and initialized it, the window can be sized using CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow and subsequently hidden using CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow.


CBaseWindow Class

Realizes any palette provided to the window.

virtual HRESULT DoRealisePalette(
  BOOL bForceBackground

Boolean value that specifies whether the palette is forced to the background or not.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The window class is given a palette handle to use with the CBaseWindow::SetPalette member function. Once a palette has been installed, it can be realized by calling this member function. The class will also call this member function when it gets WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE and WM_PALETTECHANGED messages from the Microsoft® Windows® operating system.

Call this method with TRUE in response to WM_SETPALETTE and FALSE in response to WM_QUERNEWPALETTE.


CBaseWindow Class

Sets the video window to the foreground and optionally gives it focus.

void DoSetWindowForeground(
  BOOL bFocus

Boolean value that specifies whether the video window will have focus. A value of TRUE gives it focus and FALSE does not.
Return Values

No return value.


DirectShow provides this method to make it easy for applications to move video windows to the foreground; normally, it is programatically complex for a thread associated with one window to affect a window associated with a different thread. This method passes the WM_SHOWWINDOW message to the video window's renderer, so the application's window procedure must handle this message and bring the appropriate window to the foreground and give it focus, if specified.


CBaseWindow Class

Sets the show state of the specified window.

HRESULT DoShowWindow(
  LONG ShowCmd

Specifies how the window is to be shown.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function simply calls the Microsoft Win32® ShowWindow function.


CBaseWindow Class

Returns class and window information.

virtual LPTSTR GetClassWindowStyles(
  DWORD *pClassStyles,
  DWORD *pWindowStyles,
  DWORD *pWindowStylesEx
  ) PURE;

Class styles.
Window styles.
Extended window styles.
Return Values

Returns a class name that is a static text string.


A derived class must override this pure virtual member function to provide the default class and window styles for the window. The information the derived class returns is used in CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow when the window is first created. The class and window styles take the same parameters as their counterparts in the Microsoft Win32 CreateWindowEx function. The string that is returned should be allocated as a static string and should still be valid after the member function returns.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the default size for the window client area.

virtual RECT GetDefaultRect( );

Return Values

Returns the default rectangle.


When the window is activated, it calls this member function to determine how large it should make the window's client area. A video renderer will typically return the size of the native video image.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the default memory device context (DC).

virtual HDC GetMemoryHDC( );

Return Values

Returns the default memory DC.


The base window class creates a window with a worker thread when it is prepared (in CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow). It also creates two DCs that can be used for drawing. The first is a normal window handle to a device context (HDC); the second is an offscreen HDC that can be used as a source HDC in bit-block transfer functions.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the default window device context (DC).

HDC GetWindowHDC( );

Return Values

Returns the default window DC.


The base window class creates a window with a worker thread when it is prepared (in CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow). It also creates two DCs that can be used for drawing. The first is a normal window handle to a device context (HDC); the second is an offscreen HDC that can be used as a source HDC in bit-block transfer functions.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the current window height.

LONG GetWindowHeight( );

Return Values

Returns the window height in pixels.


This member function is updated when the base class receives WM_SIZE messages.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the window handle associated with this object.

HWND GetWindowHWND( );

Return Values

Returns a window handle.


If called before issuing a CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow call, this member function returns NULL.


CBaseWindow Class

Retrieves the current window width.

LONG GetWindowWidth( );

Return Values

Returns the window width in pixels.


This member function is updated when the base class receives WM_SIZE messages.


CBaseWindow Class

Effectively hides the window (if it was visible).

virtual HRESULT InactivateWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The base window class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread is responsible for pulling messages from the window's input queue and dispatching them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed in CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow. The window should be initialized through CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow and uninitialized through CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow. Having prepared a window and initialized it, the window can be sized using CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow and subsequently hidden using CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow.


CBaseWindow Class

Creates default device contexts for the window.

virtual InitialiseWindow(
  HWND hwnd

Window handle.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The base window class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread is responsible for pulling messages from the window's input queue and dispatching them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed in CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow. The window should be initialized through CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow and uninitialized through CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow. Having prepared a window and initialized it, the window can be sized using CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow and subsequently hidden using CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow.

The base class creates two device contexts that can be used for drawing. The first is a standard handle to a device context (HDC) for the window; the second is an offscreen HDC. The offscreen HDC often is useful for selecting bitmaps before calling the Microsoft Win32 BitBlt or StretchBlt function to copy the bitmap to the main window. This member function also sets the default stretch mode to be COLORONCOLOR. The member function is virtual so that derived classes can change this default if desired.


CBaseWindow Class

Implements a window message loop.

virtual HRESULT MessageLoop( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


Any application that creates a window must have a message loop that retrieves and dispatches messages from the window's input queue. After retrieving a message, this member function calls the CBaseWindow::OnReceiveMessage member function that belongs to the object. The CBaseWindow::MessageLoop member function is a virtual member function so that derived classes can do more complex handling of messages in the loop.


CBaseWindow Class

Handles the WM_CLOSE message.

virtual BOOL OnClose( );

Return Values

No return value.


The default behavior for this member function is to simply hide the window. A derived class should not destroy the window when it receives a WM_CLOSE message but should send an EC_USERABORT notification to the filter graph manager. This will have the playback stopped, and in some cases will also have the filters disconnected and released. It is only when the filter that owns the window is finally released (that is, destroyed) that the derived class should actually destroy the window (using CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow).


CBaseWindow Class


virtual LRESULT OnPaletteChange(
  HWND hwnd,
  UINT Message

Handle of the window causing the message.
Message details passed on from the window procedure.
Return Values

Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning
0 Message was not handled.
1 Message was processed.


When the base class receives a WM_PALETTEISCHANGING message, it realizes its palette again. It must also do this when told, through WM_PALETTECHANGED, that the system palette has changed. In the latter case, however, the base class must be careful not to realize its palette if it was the window that caused the WM_PALETTECHANGED message (which is why the window that caused the message to be sent is passed into the member function).

This is a protected member function.


CBaseWindow Class

Indicates a base class implementation of a window procedure.

virtual LRESULT OnReceiveMessage(
  HWND hwnd,
  INT uMsg,
  WPARAM wParam,
  LPARAM lParam

Handle to the window.
Message identifier.
Message's wParam parameter.
Message's lParam parameter.
Return Values

Returns an LRESULT value, based on the uMsg parameter. If uMsg is not one of the specified values, OnReceiveMessage passes the message to the Win32 DefWindowProc function and forwards the resulting return value to the caller.
Message Action
m_RealizePalette Returns 0
m_ShowStageMessage Returns 1
m_ShowStageTop Returns 1
WM_CLOSE Returns 0
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Returns result of CBaseWindow::OnPaletteChange
WM_SIZE Returns 0


CBaseWindow Class

Handles the WM_SIZE message.

virtual BOOL OnSize(
  LONG Width,
  LONG Height

Window width.
Window height.
Return Values

No return value.


This member function stores the window width and height so that they can be returned from the CBaseWindow::GetWindowHeight and CBaseWindow::GetWindowWidth member functions.


CBaseWindow Class

Invalidates the window client area.

void PaintWindow(
  BOOL bErase

Determines if the background should be erased.
Return Values

No return value.


CBaseWindow Class

Aligns the window to a DWORD boundary for maximum performance.

HRESULT PerformanceAlignWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function can be called, if the video is not owned by another window, to align the left edge and the top of the window for best display performance.


CBaseWindow Class

Creates a window and a worker thread.

virtual HRESULT PrepareWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The base window class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread is responsible for pulling messages from the window's input queue and dispatching them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed in CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow. The window should also be initialized and uninitialized through CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow and CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow, respectively. Having prepared a window and initialized it, the window can be sized using CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow and subsequently hidden using CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow.


CBaseWindow Class

Sets a palette for the window to use.

virtual HRESULT SetPalette(
  HPALETTE hPalette

Handle to the new palette.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function allows a filter to install a palette in the window object. The palette handle passed in should be non-NULL. The palette is realized when it is installed. The window object does not delete any previous palette that it was using; the client using the window object should ensure it deletes the palette it creates at the appropriate time.


CBaseWindow Class

Flushes GDI and deletes the default device contexts.

virtual UninitialiseWindow( );

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The base window class creates a window and a worker thread. The worker thread is responsible for pulling messages from the window's input queue and dispatching them as appropriate. The window and its thread are created by CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow and destroyed in CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow. The window should also be initialized and uninitialized through CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow and CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow, respectively. Having prepared a window and initialized it, the window can be sized using CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow and subsequently hidden using CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow.

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