CAMEvent Class

CAMEvent class hierarchy

The CAMEvent class is an event object that can be set and waited on to provide interthread synchronization. This is currently implemented by using the Microsoft® Win32® Event application programming interfaces (APIs).

Events can be created as manual-reset or automatic-reset, and will always be created as not set (nonsignaled state). They can also be cast to handles so as to be passed to the Win32 WaitForMultipleObjects function.

Protected Data Members
Name Description
m_hEvent Microsoft Win32 event handle.

Member Functions
Name Description
CAMEvent Constructs a CAMEvent object.
Check Returns TRUE if the event is currently set, but does not block.
Reset Forces the event into a nonsignaled state.
Set Puts the event into a signaled state.
Wait Blocks until the event is signaled, or until an optional time-out occurs.
operator HANDLE Gets the HANDLE object.


CAMEvent Class

Constructs a CAMEvent object.

  BOOL fManualReset = FALSE

If this value is FALSE, the event is reset when the CAMEvent::Wait member function completes. If this parameter is TRUE, you can set the event by calling the CAMEvent::Set member function and then reset it by calling the CAMEvent::Reset member function.
Return Values

No return value.


CAMEvent Class

Returns TRUE if the event is currently set, but does not block.

BOOL Check(void);


For events that are not manual-reset events, this member function causes the event to enter a nonsignaled state.


CAMEvent Class

Forces the event into a nonsignaled state.

void Reset(void);

Return Values

No return value.


CAMEvent Class

Puts the event into a signaled state.

void Set(void);

Return Values

No return value.


If the event is not a manual-reset event and there is at least one thread blocked on this event, the thread is released and the event remains in a nonsignaled state. If the event is not a manual-reset event and no threads are blocked on the event, it is set to a signaled state.

If the event is not a manual-reset event, it is set to a signaled state and all the threads blocked on this event are released.


CAMEvent Class

Blocks until the event is signaled, or until the indicated time-out occurs.

BOOL Wait(
  DWORD dwTimeout

Optional time-out value, represented in milliseconds. The default is INFINITE.
Return Values

Returns TRUE if the event becomes signaled; otherwise, returns FALSE.


For events that are not manual-reset events, the action completing the CAMEvent::Wait member function causes the event to enter a nonsignaled state until the CAMEvent::Set member function is called.

CAMEvent::operator HANDLE

CAMEvent Class

Gets the HANDLE object associated with this CAMEvent object.

operator HANDLE () const;
Return Values

Returns the Microsoft Win32 event HANDLE.

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