CBaseVideoRenderer Class

CBaseVideoRenderer class hierarchy

This base class is used for building video renderer filters.

Protected Data Members
Name Description
m_bDrawLateFrames Flag to signal that no frames are to be dropped. Debug only. This destroys synchronization.
m_bSupplierHandlingQuality TRUE indicates quality control messages are being handled. This lets the renderer know to wait until as late as possible to drop frames itself, and to display the next frame very early after the supplier has dropped a frame.
m_cFramesDrawn Total number of frames that have been drawn since streaming started.
m_cFramesDropped Cumulative frames that have been dropped in the renderer since streaming started. Frames can also be dropped upstream without the renderer recognizing them.
m_idDecision MSR_id for the decision code of ShouldDrawSampleNow.
m_idDuration MSR_id for the duration of a frame.
m_idFrameAccuracy Performance log identifier for the time in milliseconds that the frame was late.
m_idFrameAvg Performance log identifier for the average frame time that is used for synchronization and quality control.
m_idQualityRate MSR_id for the quality rate requested.
m_idQualityTime MSR_id for the quality time requested.
m_idRenderAvg Performance log identifier for the average renderer time recorded.
m_idSchLateTime MSR_id for how late the frame was when scheduled.
m_idSendQuality MSR_id for timing the notifications (unused).
m_idTimeStamp MSR_id for a frame time stamp.
m_idWait Performance log identifier for the recorded wait time (unused).
m_idWaitReal Performance log identifier for the true wait time.
m_iSumFrameTime Sum of the interframe times; needed for the property page.
m_iSumSqAcc Sum of the squares of the accuracies (in milliseconds) needed for the property page.
m_iSumSqFrameTime Sum of the squares of interframe times; needed for the property page.
m_iTotAcc Sum of the accuracies (in milliseconds) needed for the property page.
m_nNormal Number of consecutive frames drawn at their scheduled time. A negative number indicates that a frame has just been dropped by the renderer.
m_trDuration Duration of the last frame (difference between the start and end times).
m_trFrame Most recently recorded time between frames. Used in statistical measurements.
m_trFrameAvg Average interframe time in reference time units.
m_trEarliness How early a frame is allowed to be played when a frame has just been dropped.
m_trLastDraw Time of previous frame. Used for interframe time references.
m_trLate Amount of time that the current frame was late. Used in statistical measurements.
m_trThrottle Period to insert after rendering each frame, typically used when audio quality has been increased and video performance must be decreased to allow this.
m_trRenderAvg Time that frames are taking to perform the bit-block transfer.
m_trRenderLast Time for the last frame bit-block transfer.
m_trRenderStart Time the bit-block transfer started. Used to get m_trRenderLast.
m_trWaitAvg Average wait time in reference time units.
m_tStreamingStart Used for property page statistics. Represents the start time of the current streaming process or the previous streaming process if not currently streaming.

Member Functions
Name Description
CBaseVideoRenderer Constructs a CBaseVideoRenderer object.
GetStdDev Estimates the standard deviation in milliseconds between when each frame is due and when it is actually rendered, for per-frame statistics.
PreparePerformanceData Sets the m_trLate and m_trFrame values of the current frame.
ThrottleWait Inserts a wait period after each frame.

Overridable Member Functions
Name Description
JoinFilterGraph Sends EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED event notification when filter is removed from the filter graph.
OnDirectRender Collects timing information that controls synchronization and quality control.
OnRenderEnd Records information for quality control and synchronization.
OnRenderStart Records information for quality control and synchronization.
OnStartStreaming Resets all times that control streaming.
OnStopStreaming Called at the end of streaming to fix times for the property page report.
OnWaitEnd Called when a wait time ends. Performance logging only.
OnWaitStart Updates times spent waiting and not waiting. Performance logging only.
RecordFrameLateness Records how timely the rendering occurred and gathers statistics for the property page.
ResetStreamingTimes Resets all times that control the streaming.
ScheduleSample Sets up an advise link with the clock.
SendQuality Sends a quality message to indicate what the supplier should do about quality.
ShouldDrawSampleNow Determines if the video should be drawn when it is due, without setting a timer advise link with the clock.

Implemented IQualProp Methods
Name Description
get_AvgFrameRate Retrieves the average frame rate since streaming started in frames per 100 seconds.
get_AvgSyncOffset Retrieves the average of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was due and when it was actually rendered. This applies to all frames since streaming started.
get_DevSyncOffset Retrieves the standard deviation of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was due and when it was actually rendered for all frames since streaming started.
get_FramesDrawn Retrieves the number of frames drawn since streaming started.
get_FramesDroppedInRenderer Retrieves the number of frames dropped by the renderer. Frames can also be dropped upstream.
get_Jitter Retrieves the standard deviation of the time in milliseconds between each frame and the next. This applies to all frames since streaming started.

Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description
NonDelegatingQueryInterface Provides access to other interfaces, particularly the property page.

Implemented IQualityControl Methods
Name Description
Notify Notifies the recipient that a quality change is requested.
SetSink Sets the IQualityControl object that will receive quality messages.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Constructs a CBaseVideoRenderer object.

  REFCLSID RenderClass,
  TCHAR *pName,
  HRESULT *phr

Class identifier for this renderer.
Description used for debugging purposes.
Pointer to the aggregated owner object.
Pointer to an HRESULT value.
Return Values

No return value.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Calculates and retrieves the average frame rate achieved.

HRESULT get_AvgFrameRate(
  int *piAvgFrameRate

Number of frames per second since streaming began.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_AvgFrameRate method.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Retrieves the average of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was due and when it was actually rendered for all frames since streaming started.

HRESULT get_AvgSyncOffset(
  int *piAvg

Pointer to the average of the time as previously described.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_AvgSyncOffset method.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Retrieves the standard deviation of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was due and when it was actually rendered, for all frames since streaming started.

HRESULT get_DevSyncOffset(
  int *piDev

Pointer to the standard deviation of the time as previously described.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_DevSyncOffset method.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Retrieves the m_cFramesDrawn member variable, giving the number of frames drawn since streaming started.

HRESULT get_FramesDrawn(
  int *pcFramesDrawn

Number of frames drawn.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_FramesDrawn method.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Retrieves the number of frames dropped by the renderer.

HRESULT get_FramesDroppedInRenderer(
  int *pcFramesDropped

Number of frames dropped.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_FramesDroppedInRenderer method. This is how the property page retrieves the data from the scheduler. Note that frames can also be dropped upstream without the renderer even seeing them.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Retrieves the standard deviation of time in milliseconds between each frame and the next for all frames since streaming started.

HRESULT get_Jitter(
  int *piJitter

Standard deviation of the interframe time in milliseconds.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualProp::get_Jitter method.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Estimates the standard deviation in milliseconds between when each frame is due and when it is actually rendered, for per-frame statistics.

  int nSamples,
  int *piResult,

Integer value that contains the number of video samples received by the video renderer.
Pointer to an integer value that will contain the standard deviation.
Value that represents the standard deviation, in milliseconds, of all rendered video samples. The lower the value, the more consistent the rendering.
Value that represents the mean value, in milliseconds, between the stamped time and rendered time for all rendered video samples.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Sends EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED event notification when a filter is removed from the filter graph.

HRESULT JoinFilterGraph(
  IBaseFilterGraph * pGraph,

Pointer to the filter graph to join.
[in, string] Name of the filter being added.
Return Values

No return value.


This member function overrides the CBaseFilter::JoinFilterGraph member function. If this function determines that the filter is being notified that it is leaving the filter graph (pGraph is null, but m_pGraph is not), it sends an EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED event notification so that the resource manager does not hold on to the renderer as a focus object.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Returns an interface and increments the reference count.

HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
  REFIID riid,
  VOID **ppv

Reference identifier.
Pointer to the interface.
Return Values

Returns a pointer to the interface.


Override this member function to publish the interface.

This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method. It exposes the IQualProp interface and then calls CBaseRenderer::NonDelegatingQueryInterface to expose interfaces implemented in the base classes.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Receives a notification that a quality change is requested.

  IBaseFilter * pSelf,
  Quality q

[in] Pointer to the filter that is sending the quality notification.
[in] Quality notification structure.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualityControl::Notify method on the video renderer. This is called, typically by the filter graph manager, when the quality must be cut back. This might occur when the quality of audio playback has been increased to the point that the video playback quality must be decreased.

Notify sets the m_trThrottle data member to a delay value to be inserted between frames by ThrottleWait.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Collects timing information that controls synchronization and quality control.

virtual void OnDirectRender(
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample

Media sample.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


Call this member function instead of OnRenderStart and OnRenderEnd. This is used by the Microsoft® DirectDraw® video renderer.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Performs smoothing for cases where the rendering time varies due to interruptions.

void OnRenderEnd(
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample

Media sample.
Return Values

No return value.


This member function should be called just after drawing an image.

This member function overrides CBaseRenderer::OnRenderEnd.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Sets information for rendering.

void OnRenderStart(
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample

Media sample.
Return Values

No return value.


This member function retrieves the current clock time from the system and stores it in a member variable to be used when the drawing is complete. The function also performs performance logging. This member function should be called just before drawing starts.

This member function overrides CBaseRenderer::OnRenderStart.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Resets all times that control streaming.

HRESULT OnStartStreaming(void);

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function overrides CBaseRenderer::OnStartStreaming.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Called at the end of streaming to fix times for the property page report.

HRESULT OnStopStreaming(void);

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function is called twice, once when pausing and again when the stream is actually stopped.

This member function overrides CBaseRenderer::OnStopStreaming.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Called when a wait time ends.

void OnWaitEnd(void);

Return Values

No return value.


This member function does only performance logging. It is called when the thread is awoken from waiting in the window, or when the next sample is due to be rendered. It could eventually be used to gather information that controls synchronization.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Updates times spent waiting and not waiting.

void OnWaitStart(void);

Return Values

No return value.


This member function is called when starting to wait for a rendering event. It is used only for performance measurements.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Sets the m_trLate and m_trFrame values of the current frame.

void PreparePerformanceData(
  int trLate,
  int trFrame

How late the sample was beyond its due time, in reference time units.
Interframe time, in reference time units.
Return Values

No return value.


This member function sets m_trLate to the value of trLate and m_trFrame to the value of trFrame.

When the CBaseVideoRenderer::RecordFrameLateness member function is called from either CBaseVideoRenderer::OnRenderStart or CBaseVideoRenderer::OnDirectRender, it passes the values of m_trLate and m_trFrame for it to update the statistics. PreparePerformanceData is called from CBaseVideoRenderer::OnWaitEnd to set these data member values.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Records how timely the rendering occurred and gathers statistics for the property page.

virtual void RecordFrameLateness(
  int trLate,
  int trFrame

How late the sample was beyond its due time, in reference time units.
Interframe time, in reference time units.
Return Values

No return value.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Resets all times that control the streaming.

virtual HRESULT ResetStreamingTimes(void);

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


The times are set so that frames will not be initially dropped and so that the first frame will be drawn.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Overrides the base class that does the main work to keep a count of samples drawn and dropped (which are used by the IQualProp implementation).

BOOL ScheduleSample(
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample

Media sample.
Return Values

Returns TRUE if the sample is scheduled; otherwise, returns FALSE.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Sends a quality message to indicate what the supplier should do about quality.

virtual HRESULT SendQuality(

Amount of time by which the frame is late.
Current stream time.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function sends a quality control message upstream to control quality management. The nature of the quality message (that is, whether to reduce or increase the number of samples) is determined in the quality management implementation in this derived class (see CBaseVideoRenderer::ShouldDrawSampleNow).


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Sets the IQualityControl object that will receive quality messages.

  IQualityControl *piqc

Pointer to the IQualityControl object to which the notifications should be sent.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function implements the IQualityControl::SetSink method on the video renderer.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Determines if the video should be drawn without setting a timer advise link with the clock.

virtual HRESULT ShouldDrawSampleNow(
  IMediaSample *pMediaSample,

IMediaSample interface for the sample.
Time to begin rendering.
Time to stop rendering.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value. Returns S_OK to mean draw at once without waiting, S_FALSE to mean draw at time ptrStart, or error to mean do not draw the sample; that is, skip it to save time.


This member function overrides CBaseRenderer::ShouldDrawSampleNow.


CBaseVideoRenderer Class

Inserts a wait period after each frame.

void ThrottleWait(void);

Return Values

No return value.


This member function waits for a time period obtained from the m_trThrottle data member.

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