Samual Pepys

June 7. The hottest day that ever I felt in my life. This day, much against my will, I did in Drury Lane see two or three houses marked with a red cross upon the doors, and 'Lord have mercy upon us', writ there; which was a sad sight to me, being the first of the kind that to my remembrance I ever saw.

June 10. In the evening home to supper; and there, to my great trouble, hear that the plague is come into the City....

June 29. To White Hall, where the Court full of waggons and people ready to go out of town. This end of the town every day grows very bad of the plague. The Mortality Bill is come to 267....


August 31.... the plague having a great increase this week beyond all expectation.... In the City died this week... 6,102 of the plague. But it is feared that the true number of the dead this week is near 10,000....

January 30. This is the first time I have been in the church since I left London for the plague, and it frighted me ... to see so many graves lie so high upon the churchyards where people have been buried of the plague. I was much troubled at it, and do not think to go through it again a good while.

July 4. Thanks be to God, the plague is, as I hear, increased but two this week....