Today, the Interlocutor begins a five-part series on the sensational Diary of Samuel Pepys, written by a man who saw it all. Pepys, the former secretary of the English admiralty and twice president of the Royal Society, has written a colorful insider's account of some of the most momentous events of the 1660's. The terror of the Great Plague and the Great Fire, the euphoria of the Restoration - Pepys reveals the stories behind the headlines. In shocking detail, Pepys exposes the seamy underside of the court of Charles II. Nor does Pepys spare himself. In painfully honest entries, Pepys confesses his scandalous relations with women and his fierce desire for wealth and fame.

In today's edition: Pepys on The Great Plague and The Great Fire of London.

Tomorrow: Notorious actress Nell Gwyn plays the palace of Charles II - and the queen is not amused. In the interests of fairness, tomorrow's edition will include a letter of protest from Mr. Pepys, who maintains that the publication of his diary is both unauthorized and a shameful invasion of his privacy.

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