
Episode #7: "Caught In The Act"

The scene: C*E*A Headquarters.
Jo and Wally were secretly making out in the Supply Room. If the room had any windows, they would have been so steamed up they would have been useless anyway.
"MMmmmurfhmmmnnnglph!" said Wally enthusiastically, his words incoherent due to Jo's lips blocking sufficient articulation.
"RRfffllggvveelppbvcct!" replied Jo with equal enthusiasm.
At least they were able to breathe through their noses, and thus not endanger their lives. Wally's hands moved as if they had minds of their own (one-track, sex-obsessed minds), while Jo casually yet deftly defended. Jo was so skilled at defending that she fielded offers from the Toronto Maple Leafs to try out for goalie.
Suddenly Wally and Jo heard footsteps outside the door in the hallway. Instantly, they froze. A set of keys jingling. Yipe! A silent, frenzied scramble to put on removed clothing. Why, oh why did they turn out the lights? A key fitting into the lock. Even more frenzied scrambling. The door opened. The light came on. Sneena, taken by surprise, looked wide-eyed for a second, and then laughed at the sight of Wally and Jo, standing side by side, hair askew. Wally had his pants on backwards and his T-shirt halfway on, still covering his face and head. Jo was holding an empty mail bag over as much of her nude body as possible, trying to look as casual as if it were her normal attire. Sneena suddenly stopped laughing and quickly closed the door. "Sorry!" she said from outside the door, "I just needed a ream of copy paper!"
The door opened a couple of inches and a ream of copy paper flew out, narrowly missing her. The door slammed shut.
"Thank you!" said Sneena, in a voice as pleasant as if the paper had been graciously handed to her. She was known for her good manners.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" shouted Sneena to the closed door before walking away. "There's going to be a staff meeting in 15 minutes, you two! Francesca's going to announce this weekend's junket to Vegas". Sneena walked back to her office giggling to herself.
The junket was the special junket celebrating the safe return of Macintosh, Francesca's recently dognapped Shih-Tsu. It was a junket that would later become known as the legendary "Viva Sex Vegas" junket. We really love saying junket, and you'll get all the juicy junket details right here in the upcoming episodes... !

Next Episode: "Viva Sex Vegas, Part 1!"