

Episode #6: "The Ransom"

Three days after Francesca's dog Macintosh was dognapped, a letter addressed to Francesca was received at C*E*A Headquarters. The ransom note consisted of cut-out letters clumsily pasted onto a piece of stationery from the Lucky Budget Motel on Wilton Boulevard in Hollywood:

mY deAriSt fRaNceSsKA,
wE HAvE yOur DoG maCenTOsh IN OUr MOtel saFE RUNNING arouN hAPpy 4 noW. you wILL agrEe tO OUr deMAns oN tHe foLLowInG 3 cONdisHUns =
1 you WILl aGRee tO ou9 demANs oN tHE FollOWing cOnDishuNs
2 wE wILL meET yOUr coNDIshunS LISted hERe and The DOg Will cOMe bacK 2 YOu aS hapPY aS evER if yOU aGRee 2 demANs folOWing in this COndiShuNS.
3 YoU MUst agrEE to lET us PHotoGraf yOu cOMplEetLY neKkiD in tottaL nuDiditY. aNd tHeN lAter You gIVe US A miLyun dOLLars aND wE wILL GiVe yOU tHE pICturEs aND NOT ObrieeN.
DoNT trIE anY triX aNd keEP DERk aWAy frOM uS or tHE doG wilL dIE a imPOsibly HorRENdfUL mEGadEth. wE dONT wanT tO dO THIs reELy.
the poPPaRoTsi

Two days before, after dropping the ransom letter in a mailbox, Norris and Kupek suddenly realized that they had written it on motel stationery with the motel's address clearly printed on the top of both the paper and envelope. They spent the rest of the day hurriedly packing their worldly possessions and checking out of the Lucky Budget Motel. While they were packing garbage bags full of clothing into Kupek's battered Toyota, Macintosh escaped out the open motel room door. As the dog was running down the sidewalk, Steve happened to be driving by in his limousine on his way home from a 4-day party. He had his driver pick up the dog, and he returned him to a grateful Francesca.
Thrilled to have her beloved pet home safely, Francesca forgave Steve for the incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Cathie's wedding night. She called off the search for Macintosh and the dognappers, since Cathie wasn't hurt, and notified the media of his return. When the ransom note arrived three days later in the mail, after Macintosh was back safe and sound, everyone at the C*E*A enjoyed a good laugh at it -- except for Dirk, who swore he'd break all four of the Paparazzi's arms the next time he saw them. The C*E*A staff created a special "Stupid Human Tricks" web page highlighting the Paparazzi's stupidity.
Francesca was so happy that she decided a celebration was in order for everybody ....

Next Episode: "Viva Sex Vegas"