sliderManipulator - superclass: helper

sliderManipulator - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 10:0 - classID: #(1205540079, 1318803856)


sliderManipulator ...


<sliderManipulator>.value      Float        default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

The value of the slider, based on the position of the slidable triangle. Default=0.0.

<sliderManipulator>.minVal     Float        default: 0.0   --  animatable; float

The minimum possible value of the slider. Default=0.0.

<sliderManipulator>.maxVal     Float        default: 100.0   --  animatable; float

The maximum possible value of the slider. Default=100.0.

When the minimum is 0.0 and the maximum is 100.0, the slider Value can represent a percentage.

<sliderManipulator>.xPos       Float        default: 0.0   --  float

The slider's X location in the active viewport. Default=Viewport X location you clicked when you created the slider.

<sliderManipulator>.yPos       Float        default: 0.0   --  float

The slider's Y location in the active viewport. Default=Viewport Y location you clicked when you created the slider.

<sliderManipulator>.width      Float        default: 100.0   --  float

The slider's width, in 3ds max units. Default=100.0.

<sliderManipulator>.hide       BooleanClass default: false   --  boolean

When on, hides all of the slider except for the label and the move and show/hide components. Default=off.

<sliderManipulator>.sldName    String       default: ""   --  string

The slider label that appears in viewports. Default=none.

<sliderManipulator>.snapToggle BooleanClass default: true   --  boolean

When on, the slider "snaps" to incremental values. When off, Default=on.

<sliderManipulator>.snapVal    Float        default: 0.01   --  float

The increment used by the slider when Snap is on. Default=0.01.

See also