Setting Viewport Layout

Layout panel of the Viewport Configuration dialog

gmax defaults to a two-over-two arrangement of viewports. Thirteen other layouts are possible, but the maximum number of viewports on the screen remains four.

Using the Layout panel of the Viewport Configuration dialog, you can pick from the different layouts and customize the viewports in each. Your viewport configuration is saved with your work.

Resizing the Viewport

After choosing a layout you can resize the viewports so they have different proportions by moving the splitter bars that separate the viewports.

Resized viewport

Changing the View Type

As you work, you can quickly change the view in any viewport. For example, you can switch from front view to back view. You can use either of two methods: menu or keyboard shortcut.


View type

Top view 

Bottom view 

Front view 

Back view 

Left view 

Right view 

Camera view. If your scene has only one camera, or you select a camera before using this keyboard shortcut, that camera supplies the view. If your scene has more than one camera, and none are selected, a list of cameras appears. 

Light view. Works like Camera view. 

Perspective view. Retains viewing angle of previous view. 

User (axonometric) view. Retains viewing angle of previous view. Allows use of region zoom. 


Grid view. Automatically changes to the active grid type. If you first activate a grid object, the view switches to an orthographic Top view of that object. If you don't activate a grid object, the view switches to the ground plane (identical to a Top view). 

Track view. Displays the same view as a Track View window. 


Shape view. Use viewport right-click menu. Automatically aligns view to the extents of a selected shape and its local XY axes. 

Toggles the active viewport between full screen and the current layout. 

See also