Menu: File

You can use this menu popup to work with files (saving, opening)

Save as
Next file
Previous file
Fullscreen mode
Exit program

New - creates new file (using dialog new file)
Open - opening of existing files (thought window open file)
Save - saves actual file (if it wasn't ever saved, it runs Save as function)
Save as - saves actual file to selected place on disk in format, you select (using window Save file as)
Next file - opens next file in directory
Previous file - opens previous file in directory
Prints - prints current file. Read this for more informations.
Fullscreen mode - shows current document in fullscreen mode. Appearance of window depends on setting "Simple fullscreen mode". If it's checked, just main editing window will be visible. Otherwise window will be the same as in normal mode excepting that it won't have title bar...
Settings - shows Settings dialog
Exit - terminates program