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Edit Commands

* Undo
* Redo
* Cut
* Copy
* Paste


There are three ways to undo typing, editing or formatting:
  1. Go to the Edit menu and click on  "Undo"
  2. Click on the icon "Undo" Undo Icon
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing the "Ctrl" and "Z" keys simultaneously


There are three ways to restore (or cancel) the effects of the "Undo" command:
  1. Go to the Edit menu and click on  "Redo"
  2. Click on the icon "Redo" Redo Icon
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing the "Ctrl" and "Y" keys simultaneously


To cut a word, paragraph or any other object (an image for example), select/highlight the object, then do one of the following three actions:
  1. Go to the Edit menu and click on  "Cut"
  2. Click on the icon "Cut" Cut Icon
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing the " Ctrl " and "X" keys simultaneously, or, in Windows, SHIFT and Delete

This will erase the object. However, your object is put into the memory of the computer (in the clipboard) and can be placed somewhere else using the Paste command.


The "Copy" command is used to duplicate text or an object. This command must be combined with the Paste command. To copy a word, a paragraph or any other object (an image for example), select/highlight the object, then do one of the following three actions:
  1. Go to the Edit menu and click on  "Copy"
  2. Click on the icon "Copy" Copy Icon
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing the "Ctrl" and "C" keys simultaneously, or, in Windows, Ctrl and Ins.

Your object will not disappear and a copy will be put into the memory of the computer (in the clipboard) to be pasted somewhere else.


Once the text or object is in the computer's memory (by using either the Cut or Copy command), you can paste it in the desired place. To do so, position your cursor where you want the text or object, then do one of the following three actions:
  1. Go to the Edit menu and click on "Paste"
  2. Click on the icon "Paste" Paste Icon
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing the "Ctrl " and "V" keys simultaneously, or, in Windows, Shift and Ins.
This command is active only if your clipboard has been filled using the "cut" or "copy" commands. The pasted object will be the last object either copied or cut.