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     Your Slave starts with a hand-held Avenger Cannon and a shoulder-mounted Shrieker Rocket Launcher. As you progress, you'll find other weapons systems. You can only carry one ballistic weapon, one energy weapon, and one missile launcher at any given time. Here's a look at some of what you might get your robotic hands on; there are also more weapons of unguessable power in the SovKhan's vast armory for you to discover.

Ballistic Weapons

AVR-9 "Avenger" Light Slug Cannon
- The Avenger cannon is useful for attacking lightly armored enemies in quick, surgical strikes. While the damage is light, repeated hits can take down a lot of your foes.

IR-9000 "Iron Roar" Assault Cannon
- This assault cannon fires 100mm shells at a very high rate of fire. This weapon is a tried and true system that has operated reliably in a wide variety of climates and conditions. The Iron Roar's name comes from the short burst it fires at each pull of the trigger. It also has a continuous fire mode, activated by keeping the trigger pressed. Warning: This will rapidly exhaust your ammunition supply!

CR-80 "Cyclone" Saturation Cannon
This massive weapon throws an incredible volume of metal down range at your target. It will chew up just about anything. However, it uses even more ammo than the Iron Roar, and you can quickly find yourself with an empty clip!


Energy Weapons

PPR-2 Plasma Pulse Rifle
- This plasma weapon fires a pulse of flash-heated osmium plasma down a linear accelerator towards your target. At launch, the plasma burst is in excess of 7500 degrees Fahrenheit and causes damage to the target by extreme temperature and secondary flash effects.

PS (7) Photon Burst Cannon
- An upgrade to the PPR-2, the PS (7) fires a spread of seven small plasma balls in a circular spreading pattern. Although the range is more limited that that of the PPR-2 Plasma Pulse Rifle, the effect is devastating.

Plasma Rail Cannon
- The Hellspike fires a single penetrator at an ultra-high velocity, delivering tremendous kinetic impact to your target. It takes approximately two seconds to warm up the rail cannon for each shot. However, the damage potential more than makes up for the slower firing time.


Missile Launchers

SBR-80 "Shrieker" Rocket Launcher
- This shoulder-mounted launcher fires an unguided rocket. It delivers a powerful warhead to the target, capable of penetrating up to 800mm of armor at long range. Take care when using this weapon against agile targets, such as Sentinel units.

Stone Dog Guided Missile System
The Stone Dog shoots guided missiles. These missiles carry a larger warhead than a Shrieker rocket, and are very difficult to evade as their internal guidance system homes in on the target. The Stone Dog is an excellent fire and forget solution to your problems! It may also be fired in non-guided mode by simply pulling the trigger without locking onto a target.

Valhalla Class Rocket Launcher
- The Valhalla-Class launcher fires an unguided, fragmenting warhead. The warhead is set to split when it reaches its maximum range, but can also be fragmented early with another pull of the trigger.