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Hints and Tips

Picking Up and Throwing Things

  • To pick up an object, stand close to it, and move your cursor over what you'd like to pick up. When the cursor turns red, press the Control key to pick up the object. To throw it, aim at something, and press Control again. You can pick up (and throw) people, cars, and building debris, such as steel girders. Girders make excellent clubs!

Destroying Buildings

  • Most of the smaller building and structures are destructible. Your cursor will turn red when you target a building that can be destroyed. Use your weapons, or move close and punch (Left Mouse Button) the building to destroy it. Power-Ups are often hidden in buildings, so it pays to check each one.

Conserve Your Power-Ups

  • Don't squander your Ammunition and Health Power-Ups; try to get the maximum value from them. Don't move over a Slug Reload if you are only down a few bullets. Instead, wait until you are down 40 or 50 rounds, and then go back and get it. This is especially important for the health power-ups. Don't use a Large Health Power-Up until you are down 30 or more health. Otherwise you will waste most of its effect.