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Game Menus

     Navigate the game menus by using the Up and Down arrow keys or your mouse. Left-Click (or press Enter) to select an option, and hit Esc to move back to the previous menu.

Main Menu
     The main menu appears when you start Slave Zero. From here, you'll control your game options and start a new game or load a previously saved game.

New Game
     Start a new game by choosing this option. You will have your choice of setting the difficulty level at Easy, Medium or Hard. The harder the difficulty, the tougher the opposition. Click on Back to return to the Main Menu without starting a new game.

Load Game
     You can load a previously saved game from here. Use your mouse to highlight the saved game you want to load, and then click on Load Game. You can also delete old saved games by highlighting them and then clicking. Back will return you to the Main Menu.