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Audio Options

     You can set a variety of Audio options from this menu. Audio Controls how your game will sound. Here's a quick rundown on what you can change:

SFX Volume
     This slider will raise or lower the sound effects volume.

Music Volume
     Adjust the volume of the background music.

Audio Mode
     You can choose from four Audio Modes:

  • No Audio (Turns all the sound off)
  • SFX Only (Will only play special effects sounds)
  • Music and SFX (Will play the full array of music, ambient, and sound effects)
  • Ambient and SFX (This options plays everything but the background music)

Reverb Enable
     Turns reverb on and off, if the audio hardware supports it.

Audio Hardware
     Allows you to turn Audio Hardware Support on and off, if the audio hardware supports it.

Reinitialize Original Settings
     Returns all audio settings to the factory defaults.