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Becoming One With The Machine

     You can control Slave Zero via a Joystick or the Keyboard and Mouse. The default Keyboard and Mouse controls are listed on this page. While you can configure the controls to exclusively the keyboard, we highly recommend that you try the default controls. They will give you the maximum sensitivity and control.

Mouse Controls
Look Left
Move mouse to the left.
Look Right
Move mouse to the right.
Look Up
Move mouse back.
Look Down
Move mouse forward.
Fire Hand-Held Weapon
Left mouse button.
Fire Rocket Launcher
Right mouse button.
Keyboard Controls

Move Forward
Move Backward
Strafe Left
Strafe Right
To Pick Up and Throw an Object
Change Hand Weapon
Keypad +
Turn Left
Left Arrow
Turn Right
Right Arrow
Look Up
Down Arrow
Look Down
Up Arrow
Center Look