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     Ammunition You'll use a lot of ammo as you fight the SovKhan's forces. Each of your different types of weapons uses a different type of ammo. You'll need to stay loaded up on bullets, energy and rockets.

     As you move through MegaCity S1-9, you'll find reloads scattered around. Just move over them; if you're low on that type of ammunition, Slave Zero will scoop it up. If you don't need it, it will stay on the ground for future use.

Slugs Reloads

Energy Reloads

Missle Reloads


     Fighting the SovKhan's forces is harmful to your health. The more you fight, the more damage your Slave will sustain. It's unavoidable. Fortunately, it's not unrepairable. Health Power-Ups come in two sizes: small, which restores 20 health, and large, which restores 100 health. Move over them to use them, just like Ammunition Power-Ups.

Small Health

Large Health