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This command displays a pie chart centered at the specified row/column
location.  Restrictions placed on dGE such as the datastore() values must
be in the range 0 to 32768 apply equally to Graphics Library commands.

DRAW PIE CHART AT <Pos1>,<Pos2> USING <dbf> PLOT <field>
   [FILTER <filter>]
   [LABEL <label>]
   [OFFSET <value>]
   [EXPLODE <slice>]
   [RADIUS <radius>]

<Pos1> is the row screen coordinate of the center of the pie.
<Pos2> is the column screen coordinate of the center of the pie.
<dbf> is the database file that contains the data to be charted.
<field> is the field to be charted.
<filter> is a filter statement that isolates the records to be charted.
[PATTERN] alternates the fill patterns for the pie slices.
[COLOR] alternates the color for the pie slices.
<label> is a field denoting the pie slice labels.
[OFFSET <value>] is the pie chart label offset.  This value must be
  expressed in Cartesian values.  The default offset is 50 and is defined
  as a preprocessor constant in GLLIBR.CH.
<slice> is a slice number to be exploded from the rest of the pie.
<radius> is the width in characters from the center point to the outer
  rim of the pie.
[PERCENT] displays percentage values of each pie slice.
[NOCONNECT] suppresses the radius connecting lines.

DRAW PIE CHART AT 08.5,46 ;               // draw a pie chart
   USING SAMPLE.DBF ;                     // select the database
   PLOT DIV_INCOME ;                      // select the field to plot
   LABEL DIVISION ;                       // select the lable
   PATTERN ;                              // select alternatine patterns
   RADIUS 12 ;                            // select the radius (in chrs)
   EXPLODE 3 ;                            // select the slice to explode
   FILTER YEAR="1990" ;                   // only plot 1990 data
   COLOR                                  // select alternating colors

         Purpose: Display pie chart
 Mapped Function: __DrawPieChart() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: datastore(),piechart(),datareset()
   Other GL UDFs: None.
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawPieChart()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson