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This command displays an XY chart at the specified row/column coordinates.
The chart is based on a database file that can be optionally filtered.

DRAW XY CHART AT <Pos1>,<Pos2> USING <dbf> PLOT <field>
   [LABEL <field>]
   [WIDTH <width>]
   [HEIGHT <height>]
   [DIVISION <value>]
   [FILTER <filter>]

<Pos1> is the row screen coordinate for the lower left corner of the
<Pos2> is the column screen coordinate for the lower left corner of the
<dbf> is the database file to be used as the source of data.
[PLOT <field>] is the field to plot.
[LABEL <field>] is the field to display on the X axes labels.
[WIDTH <width>] is the width of the chart.  The default is established as
  a preprocessor constant in GLLIBR.CH with a value of ???.
[HEIGHT <height>] is the height of the chart.  The default is established
  as a preprocessor constant in GLLIBR.CH with a value of ???.
[DIVISION <value>] is the Y axes value for determining where labels and
  grid lines will be placed.
[SOLID] invokes solid Y axes grid lines at the division marks.
[DOTTED] invokes dotted Y axes grid lines at the division marks.
[DASHED] invokes dashed Y axes grid lines at the division marks.
[BOX] draws a box around the chart area.
<filter> is the filter statement that isolates the data for the chart.

DRAW XY CHART AT 14,23 USING SAMPLE.DBF;  // display an xy chart
   PLOT DIV_INCOME/100 ;                  // select the field to plot
   LABLE DIVISION                         // select field for X axes
   FILTER RECNO()<=16 ;                   // set the filter
   HEIGHT 8 ;                             // height of 8 rows
   WIDTH 40 ;                             // width of 40 chrs
   DIVISION 5000 ;                        // Y axes divisions
   DOTTED ;                               // dotted Y grid lines
   BOX                                    // box the chart

         Purpose: Display an XY chart
 Mapped Function: __DrawXYChart() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: datastore(),xygraph(),datareset()
   Other GL UDFs: None.
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawXYChart()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson