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   Description: Draw a pie chart
Mapped Command: DRAW PIE CHART AT
FUNCTION __DrawPieChart(Pos1,Pos2,dbf,field,filter,pat,col,label,offset,slice,radius,percent,noconnect)
   local n, maxvalue, divisions, scalefact, increment
   local pattern := 1                            // establish the beginning pattern
   local color   := 2                            // establish the beginning color
   local select_ := select()                     // save the current area
   local labeltxt:= ""                           // establish a blank label accumulator
   label   := if(label == NIL,"",label)          // get the specified label (not sure if this has to be a field)
   offset  := if(offset == NIL,PieLabelOffSet,offset)  // set the offset if not specified
   slice   := if(slice == NIL,0,slice)           // pie slice to explode
   radius  := if(radius == NIL,PieChartRadius,radius)  // determine the radius, default to 20
   use &dbf new                                  // open the plot database
   datareset()                                   // clear the dGE daya array
   if filter != NIL                              // is there a filter statement?
      set filter to &filter                      // set the requested filter
      go top                                     // reset the database pointer
   endif                                         // if filter != nil
   maxvalue := &field                            // start with the first value in the plot field
   n := 1                                        // establish a bar counter
   do while .not. eof()                          // loop through all the valid records
      maxvalue := if(&field > maxvalue,&field,maxvalue)  // get the max value of each slice
      skip                                       // next valid record
      n ++                                       // increment the slice counter
   enddo                                         // keep doing it 'till the eof()
   go top                                        // back to the first record
   n := 1                                        // establish a slice counter
   do while .not. eof()                          // loop through the valid records
      datastore(if(&field<0,0,&field*(1000/maxvalue)),if(pat,pattern,20),if(n == slice,1,0),if(col,color,__DgeColor(setcolor())))
      color := if(color == 20,1,if(color == 7,color+2,color+1))
      pattern := if(pattern == 20,1,pattern+1)   // increment the pattern
      if percent == 0                            // if percentages are not being used for labels
         labeltxt := labeltxt + &label           // accumulate the label string
      endif                                      // if percent == 0
      n ++                                       // increment the pie slice counter (always = n-1)
      skip                                       // next valid record
   enddo                                         // do while .not. eof()                          // loop through the valid records
   piechart(__XdGE(Pos2),__YdGE(Pos1),__XdGE_(radius))  // draw the pie chart
   do case                                       // evaluate label style
   case percent > 0                              // percentage labels
      labelpie(__XdGE_(offset),__XdGE_(radius*if(slice > 0,1.35,1)),0,0,percent+noconnect,__dGEColor(setcolor()),"")
   case .not. empty(label)                       // text labels
      labelpie(__XdGE_(offset),__XdGE_(radius*if(slice > 0,1.35,1)),len(&label),0,noconnect,__dGEColor(setcolor()),labeltxt)
   use                                           // close plot database
   select(select_)                               // restore area

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