The Settings tab

This window displays the OnDemand Scanner configurations that apply to all profiles.

You can move the mouse cursor over every area of the picture below to get an explanation of its functions.
Most buttons can be explored further by clicking on them.

F-Prot will generate a beep in the computer's speaker when a virus is found. Type the name of the mail server here, i.e. Type the e-mail address where you want to receive the virus report, i.e. This button opens the current report file using your default text editor. Displays a window where you can select a destination for the Report file created after each scan. The path and name of the report file is specified here. Overwrites older scanning results reports with the new report. Adds the results of the latest scan to the end of the Report file. F-Prot will list all scanned files, regardless of whether they are infected by a virus or not. Changes all English text in the program text to another language.  Clicking the black arrow displays a list of languages available. Opens this help system. Terminates F-Prot. Current number of processed files during scan. Current number of infected files found during scan. Current number of suspicious files found during scan. Displays time of scanning process. Click here to get information about the Scan tab. Click here to get information about the Info tab.

  Advanced mode scanning   I  Normal mode scanning   I  About the scan  I  The Information tab   I  The Settings tab