
Welcome to the WorkbenchNG homepage. This is the place where you can catch up on the developement of WorkbenchNG and download beta-versions when they become available. Please choose a topic from the list below, but note that at present time this page is still under construction. If you have questions or thoughts about the project, you can contact me at the address on the bottom of this page. Note that these pages use tables, and need a supporting browser for best results. This page's Web-Counter says that you are visitor number

Will be updated with important info and changes regarding the WorkbenchNG project.
Gives you a brief introduction to this project together with other general information.
Reflects my work on the project, and will update and inform the in-development testers about new versions.
Lists what features I hope will be ready for the first release, and talks about enhancements that will come later.
Shows how WorkbenchNG can look like with its truecolor support, proportional fonts in listers and more.
Has the newest released version available, plus some information about the installation.
Lets you continue your browsing to sites with stuff related to this project and the Amiga computer.
Would like to know of your greeting, comments, flames or whatever you feel like writing.

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