News WorkbenchNG

6. Jun 1997
I've added a crap FAQ to answer some of those repetitive questions.

28. May 1997
Summertime! This means even less work on WorkbenchNG I'm afraid, but I might still get a beta ready soon though. I had hoped to get it done before this site reached 10000 hits, but once again I failed! Anyway, the guestbook is now up and running, so feel free to flame me in public. I'm also gonna make a simple FAQ to avoid all those repetitive emails.

28. April 1997
Still no beta, and the reason is that after I didn't get a beta ready for the previous deadline, my life entered a very busy state. I can't say really when a beta could be ready, but please keep visiting this page. I'll soon add some more screenshots, because people seem to be fed up with the current ones. :)

31. March 1997
I apologize for being unable to keep my own deadlines and that a beta was not released. But that's no reason for people to send hate-mail telling me I can't do as promised and therefore I suck. I have received a couple of such mails already, and let me just point out that there's no promise in question here. Before a real release this web-page simply lets the public pop in too see if there's something available and to read the planned feature list or whatever. All the statement about releases and the development reflects my view of it, and the "deadlines" I set for myself. It is in no way a public promise stating it will be done at this time. If you don't like that kind of approach, feel free to not visit this web-page. So it's not a matter of me not holding my promise, but that I'm simply not very good at finding the time I _thought_ would be available for me and my work on wbng.

7. March 1997
There have been a break in the development because of some other project that I suddenly had to spend all my time on. I have now decided to release WorkbenchNG during The Gathering 1997 here in Norway, which lasts from 26-30 this month, whatever status the project might have at that time. To put it in other words, I won't guarantee that the version performs to your expectations... I will be off on a trip to denmark right after this gathering, so I won't be able to answer your "hate-mails" before monday one week later. :)

23. January 1997
A new screenshot was added to the Screenshots page.

21. January 1997
The CyberGFX V3 and Picasso96 RTG "beta" releases will cause a delay before any demo-version of WorkbenchNG is released to the public. This is because I feel the graphics-card support is one of the most important aspects of this project. I have also decided that a demoversion should be really useable instead of just something you could test once and then you would have to delete it.

9. December 1996
Still no demo version available. Sorry about the delay, but I haven't had the energy to fix what I want the last few weeks. (Gee, I feel like phase5...)

6. November 1996
Fixed some of the WEB pages, but guestbook is still missing. I hope to have a simple public alpha release ready before december.

8. October 1996
The new WorkbenchNG homepage is partly done and made available to the public.

7. October 1996
Project changes name to WorkbenchNG and the new homepage is started on.

14. September 1996
The first WorkbenchIV homepage goes public.

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