Screenshots WorkbenchNG

Here are some screenshots of WorkbenchNG running with various kind of configurations. Note that pictures with the jpeg format can appear blurred where small text are written on colorful backgrounds. Click on the small picture to view it at full scale, but note that some pictures are very large, and that pictures with depth greater than 8 should be viewed with a truecolor display.

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This screenshot shows a "clean" MagicWB style workbench with some windows opened in both icon and lister mode. The font used for the icons and listers is XHelvetica 11, with colors set to something other than the standard black and white...

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A WorkbenchNG "using" NewIcons, some colorful patterns and fonts. The screenshot also shows a prefs window, and some other small requesters.

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A snapshot with somewhat crazy patterns and colors, showing a window with Grid, an Execute Command window, some listentries being dragged (transparent), and some other stuff.

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