Bounce! Spring! Jump! Ouch!
Remember Newton's apple? It didn't just land on his head. No. it bounced, rolled, and it probably even hurt. Do your animations have this kind of life in them? With IMPACT! they will. IMPACT! features full collision detection, spring, bounce, gravity, drag and more! Says Mark Thompson of The Big Machine "Reliably detecting collisions of arbitrary shapes is no small feat, and it's one that Impact is readily capable of."

Currently available for DEC Alpha and Intel platforms.

  • Supports LightWave 3D object and scene file formats.
  • Automatically computes each object's mass, inertia, and center of mass.
  • Pinpoints object collisions when and where they happen.
  • Choose each object's collision shape to optimize simulation time. Choose from sphere, box, and arbitrary.
  • Create 'Materials' by specifying density, elasticity, and roughness.
  • Key framed objects can interact with kinematically controlled objects.
  • Key framed objects can change to kinematically controlled at any specified time or when contacted by another kinematic object.
  • Give your objects life with 'Engines' such as Gravity, Spring, and Force Field.
  • Use algorithms to set parameters of a group of objects such as random placement, orientation, scale, become kinematic time, intial velocities, etc.
  • And much more!