The Oberon and Amiga Page

by Ralf Degner

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[What is Oberon?] [Oberon System V4] [Amiga-Oberon]
[Oberon-A] [Aminet] [AMOK] [System3-Oberon/F] [Books] [Links]

What is Oberon ?

Oberon is both a programming language and an operating system developed by Prof. N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht at the ETH Zürich.

The programming language Oberon is an evolution of the well known predecessors Pascal and Modula-2. Oberon features the established principles of separate compilation with strong type checking even across module boundaries. The module concept provides for information hiding. In contrast to Modula-2, the definition modules are not explicit, but generated automatically by a Browser tool. The browser operates on the compiler respresentation of the module interface.

Oberon provides static record type extensions (single inheritance), polymorphy and run-time type information for extensible, object-oriented programming (EOOP). The upward compatible programming language Oberon-2 adds type bound procedures (methods), read-only export and dynamic arrays.

Oberon was designed for programming in-the-large and served well to develop several operating systems (Oberon System itself, ETHOS, Mithril, Oberon/F), compilers and tools. Although much simpler than its predecessors, Oberon is safer (in respect to pointers) and much more flexible than Pascal and Modula.

The programming language Oberon in keywords:

The book from Reiser and Wirth gives a nice introduction to the programming language Oberon. The advanced aspects of object-oriented programming are discussed in the book from Mössenböck.
Oberon compilers exist for all popular operating system (see Guy Laden's Oberon page).

The Oberon System is a full operating system. Some keywords:

All Oberon Systems contain a efficient Oberon(-2) compiler, development tools, program and document editor, drawing programs (pixel/vector), many examples and online documentation.
Currently there are two Oberon Systems, System3 and System V4. The design of System3 is fully based on persistent objects and features the Gadget user interface. System V4 sticks with the old Einstein principle: "make it as simple as possible, but not simpler!", which sometimes is simply not possible to achieve, but V4 comes very close.
A special advantage of the Oberon System is the source compatibility of Oberon programs and the binary compatibility of data including hypertext and graphics, independent for what platform they were developed. System V4 implementations exist for AlphaAXP, Amiga, DOS, HP/PA-Risc/HP-UX, IBM-RS6000, Linux/PC, Mac, NeXt, PowerMac, Sun-Sparc/Solaris, Windows (NT), ... (see Guy Laden's page). To work with the Oberon System V4 you should have a look at the book The Oberon System : User Guide and Programmer's Manual.

The Oberon System V4 for the Amiga:

New Oberon System V4 for the Amiga V1.3 New

The Oberon System V4 exist in an implementation for the Amiga (O4A). O4A was started by Stefan Ludwig and Claudio Nieder. Currently I'm responsible for the maintenance. O4A is like all O4 implementations, freeware. It is (C)opyright 1990-96 Claudio Nieder, Stefan Ludwig, Ralf Degner and the Institut for Computer Systems at the ETH Zürich. You can use it in any way you like but you must not include any part of it in a commercial product.
Please report any questions or bugs encountered to Ralf Degner using EMail.

The home of O4A is the server of the ETHZ. There you will find a directory for the Amiga. Oberon.lha (about 1.2 MB) is the main part, Oberon-Src.lha (about 700 kB) contains the full source code and Oberon-NonFPU.lha (about 100 kB) is required to use O4A without FPU. Oberon-Fonts.lha (about 390 kB) contains additional screen and Pr3 printer fonts. If the Pr3 fonts are not installed O4A will use normal PS fonts.
You will find O4A on the Aminet and on the Aminet CDs, too.

Requirements for O4A:

O4A is a full implementation of the Oberon System V4 (Screen Shot 43kB) with all usual programs. The system runs in its own task and therefore, thanks to the great multitasking of the Amiga, you can use O4A and the Amiga OS at the same time. Specific features of the Amiga implementation are its incremental heap allocation, support of the Amiga clipboard and the possibility to access IFF files. You can use O4A at a private screen or New at any public screen.

The O4A package contains:

Additional archives:

Since version 1.0 the full source code of O4A is released including the Oberon-2 compiler. If you want to contribute to the system by improving it, please let me know.

Thanks to Florian Faber we have a small mailing list for O4A. Send an EMail with SUBSCRIBE Oberon4Amiga in the text part to

Oberon Compiler for the Amiga-OS (stand-alone):


Amiga-Oberon is a full commercial Oberon-2 compiler for the Amiga-OS. The compiler contains an optional garbage collector, interface-moduls for the Amiga-OS and an own Editor. It generates optimized code for 68000/10/20/30 and FPU. A debugger is optionally. A demo version is available to test it.
If you want to tell the authors about bugs or if you want to make suggestions you should use the program OReport.


Oberon-A is another Oberon-2 compiler for the Amiga-OS which directly generates 68000 code. Oberon-A is freeware. You can find the compiler in the Oberon directory of the Aminet.
There is a mailing list for Oberon-A. To get more information send an E-Mail to with HELP in the text part.

An Amiga back-end for the Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler (OOC) will be developed.

You can use Oberon to C converter, for example O2C, at the Amiga, too.

The Aminet:

The Aminet is the best place for Amiga PD und shareware software. It is mirrored by about 20 aFTP-servers all over the world and a CD is published every second month. You will find a directory dev/obero with Oberon stuff at the Aminet. The directory contents the Oberon System V4, Oberon-A and a lot of other interesting things for Oberon. (everythink for key word Oberon)

AMOK - Amiga Modula Oberon Klub:

AMOK is a unorganised union of people which are interested in the Amiga and the programming languages Modula-2 and/or Oberon. The club collects a PD series with more than 100 discs full with programs and source codes.

System3 and Oberon/F:

There are no implementations of System3 or Oberon/F for the Amiga and you can not expect one in the near future. But there is a possibility to run these programs at the Amiga. The solution is Shapeshifter, the Apple Macintosh emulator. You can find System3 and a educational version of Oberon/F for the Mac at the server of the ETH Zürich. Both programs run without problems with ShapeShifter. Of course an emulation is never an optimal solution, so you should use the native Amiga version of the Oberon Systems V4 if possible.

Oberon/F (F stands for framework) is a commercial product which tries to realise the special possibilities of an Oberon System on-top of a given operating system. Oberon/F can create 'stand-alone' programs. You can download an educational version for test purposes and for private use. Oberon/F implementations exist for Windows and Aplle Mac.


Oberon: steps beyond Pascal and Modula
Martin Reiser, Niklaus Wirth
Addison-Wesly, Wokingham 1992, ISBN 0-201-56543-9
(also available in German)

A fundamental introduction in programming using the language Oberon. The Oberon System is used for examples. On chapter covers Oberon-2.

Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2
Hanspeter Mössenböck
Springer, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-540-56411-X
(also available in German)

A very nice introduction to object-oriented programming. Knowledge of a higher programming languauge is assumed.

The Oberon System : User Guide and Programmer`s Manual
Martin Reiser
Addison-Wesly, New York 1991, ISBN 0-201-54422-9

THE book for users and programmers of the Oberon System V4. You can not life without this book if you want to work seriously with the system. The book describes System V1. The differences to System V4 are available as online documentation.

Projekt Oberon : the Design of an Operating System and Compiler
Niklaus Wirth, Jürg Gutknecht
ACS Press, New York 1992, ISBN 0-201-54428-8

This book describes the internal structure of the system. For people interested in building compilers and designing operating systems.

CD-ROM: Oberon !
arranged by Dr. Josef Templ -2. Auflage-
Addison-Wesley, Bonn 1995, ISBN 3-89319-886-5

This is a CD-ROM with a collection of all recently available Oberon System implementations, example programs and demos of other Oberon products. Interesting, if you want to use Oberon on more than one computer system.

Interesting links:



for comments and bug-reports please contact Ralf Degner by EMail
last modified 1996/06/15