Cool Oberon System V4 Programs Cool

by Ralf Degner

All programs on this page are written for the Oberon System V4. This is an operating system designed by Prof. Niklaus Wirth. Some features of System V4 are single-process multitasking, automatic garbage collection, dynamic loading and graphical userinterface. To develop the System the programing language Oberon was created. This language is based on Pascal und Modula, but it includes new features, like OOP. Implementations of the System V4 are available for numerous commercial machines. To get more information have a look at the Home of Oberon and Guy Laden`s Oberon Page, a nice list of all Oberon implementations, compilers, projects, sources of informations, ... If you understand german you should read this.

Mines, ObTris and EditPat are designed with the Oberon System V4 for the Amiga, but they run on every Oberon System V4 implementation.

If you like my programs, find bugs, want to make suggestions, ... please contact me.

Mines V1.32


Mines is a complete Minesweeper game. It features nice color-graphics, hi-score-function, pause-function and continous time and mines display. Mines is full integrated in the Oberon System V4 environment. Text-Elements for Mines are included, so it is possible to insert a Mines game in any Oberon-Text at any location.
Click here to download Mines as ascii-coded text (54kB).

ObTris V1.0


ObTris is a simple Tetris game. It has an hi-score and you can define the keys like you want. Be careful with ObTris if your Oberon System V4 is based on a multiuser operating system (Please read the ObTris.Text).
Click here to download ObTris as ascii-coded text (25kB).

EditPat V0.7


EditPat is a comfortable editor and display module for multicolor patterns of any size. With EditPat you can design your patterns with the mouse and store many of them in one file. These pattern files are displayed with the DisplayPat modul in a very comfortable way. DisplayPat also fixes the problems some System V4 implementations have with patterns (for example size limitation). EditPat helps you to design nice portable Oberon System V4 programs. You do not have to hack stupid set-lines to produce patterns anymore. Two nice procedures to work with text in graphics are included, too.
Click here to download EditPat as ascii-coded text (53kB).

for comments and bug-reports please contact Ralf Degner by EMail
last modified 1995/11/17