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 Information on use of (N)GEN.LIB
 VHA_APPEND()   Appends record in network environment
 VHA_ARPICK()   Selects element from one-dimensional array
 VHA_ARSEL()    Selects subset from one-dimensional array
 VHA_BAR()      Shows progress indicator
 VHA_BAR2()     Shows position indicator
 VHA_BEEP()     Produces tone
 VHA_BOTTOM()   Places centered text on bottom line
 VHA_BOX()      Builds window
 VHA_CANCEL()   Controles process cancelation
 VHA_CAPS()     Shows "big" characters on screen
 VHA_CAPTAB()   Fills table with "big" characters
 VHA_CHKPRN()   Checks printer status
 VHA_CHKSPC()   Checks available diskspace
 VHA_COLOR()    Sets color variables
 VHA_DATCON()   Fills out character-field with zeroes in date-format
 VHA_DATVAL()   Checks character-field on correct date-format
 VHA_DBSEL()    Builds function- and window-shell arround TBrowse
 VHA_DSPGET()   Refreshes get vulues on screen
 VHA_EXPL()     Builds "exploding" window
 VHA_FOUND()    Checks key-value
 VHA_INDEX()    Shows progress bar during indexing
 VHA_INIT()     Initializes (N)GEN.LIB
 VHA_INTRPT()   Detects key pressure
 VHA_LEFT()     Shifts all non-blanks to the left
 VHA_LOCKF()    User-interuptable file lock attempt
 VHA_LOCKDO()   Non-interuptable record lock attempt
 VHA_LOCKR()    User-interuptable record lock attempt
 VHA_LOGO()     Shows VHA copyright-logo
 VHA_MENU()     Builds window-shell arround MENU
 VHA_MSG()      Shows message
 VHA_NEWREC()   Recycles deleted records
 VHA_OKAY()     Confirm request
 VHA_PRINT()    Print database
 VHA_PRNFLE()   Creates PRN file
 VHA_SEEK()     Function-equivalent of SEEK command
 VHA_STRMSG()   Shows message with blinking asterisks
 VHA_TMPFLE()   Creates not existing filename
 VHA_TOP()      Displays text on first screen line
 VHA_USE()      Checks and opens DBF

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson