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SYNTAX        VHA_ARSEL(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7)

PURPOSE       Selects subset from one-dimensional array

                 - MANDATORY
                 - upper line of window

              P2 - NUMERIC
                 - MANDATORY
                 - left column of window

              P3 - NUMERIC
                 - MANDATORY
                 - bottom line of window

              P4 - NUMERIC
                 - OPTIONAL
                 - DEFAULT: 0 (no border)
                 - kind of border of window
                   see VHA_BOX() for values

              P5 - ARRAY (character)
                 - MANDATORY
                 - one-dimensional array with elements to select from

              P6 - ARRAY (logical)
                 - MANDATORY
                 - one-dimensional array, to assign resulting logicals

              P7 - NUMERIC
                 - OPTIONAL
                 - DEFAULT: nil
                 - line on which position indicator appears

               .T. if function has been ended with [Ctrl-Enter]
               .F. if function has been ended with [Esc]

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson