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Date: July 30, 1986
Number: 144

Title: NetWare 2.0a Shell Object Correction.

New shell object files are available to correct the following  problems.

1. Microsoft "C" Compiler version 4.0 will hang during a compile.

2. Under DOS 2.x printing will always go the printer 0 regardless of the
   printer that is selected. Spooler parameters could not be changed after
   an "ENDSPOOL" was issued.

3. ARCNET workstations will intermittently hang when large packets are being

The new shell objects are version 2.0b and will work with All Advanced
NetWare Systems versions 2.0 and 2.0a. These shell objects are available
from your Novell Field Service representative or from your nearest NetWare
Center. They are also available on NetWire.

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