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Date: July 29, 1986
Number: 143

Title: Addition of Carat "" and Tilde "~" to Advanced NetWare Version 2.0A.

Version 2.0a of Advanced NetWare does not allow the carat or tilde in file
names. This has presented a problem for particular  applications that use
either or both of these (such as Microsoft WINDOWS).  A patch is available
for the 86, 286, 286A and 68 operating systems under version 2.0a.  On 86,
286 and 286A the patch will be made to the "NET$OS.OBJ" file which is
included on the "GENOS-2" diskette.  The patch to the 68 system should be
made to the "NET$OS.SYS" file found on the "SYSTEM" diskette.  It is
possible to add the tilde, the carat or both so that they can be used in
file names.  If both characters will be added, it will be necessary to
remove another character.  In our example, we will remove the "`" (left
apostrophe) character in order to add both the tilde and carat.  Your
machine should have at least 400K bytes of memory to allow sufficient room
for the DOS debug and the "NET$OS.OBJ" file. We recommend 640K if it is
available.  Before starting, make another copy of your "GENOS-2" diskette or
the "SYSTEM" diskette in the case of the 68 operating system.  Copy
DEBUG.COM from a DOS diskette onto the copy of "GENOS-2" or "SYSTEM" and
place the copy of the "GENOS-2" or "SYSTEM" diskette in drive A.

Locate the instructions that deal with the operating system to be patched.
All underscored characters are entered by operator.

For 86:

Note the value in the "CS" register.  "XXXX" is equal to 2000 plus the value
of the "CS" register.  For example, if the value of "CS" is 14E8 then the
value of "XXXX" would be equal to 2000 plus 14E8 making a total of 34E8.

XXXX:C98E 00.__
Following the 00. type either 7E for the tilde or 5E for the carat.

Only perform the next step if you need both the tilde and the carat

XXXX:C98D 60.__
Following the 60 type the value of the character that was not selected in
the previous instruction either 7E for tilde for 5E for carat.


For 286:

Note the value in the "CS" register.  "XXXX" is equal to 2000 plus the value
of the "CS" register.  For example, if the value of "CS" is 14E8 then the
value of "XXXX" would be equal to 2000 plus 14E8 making a total of 34E8.(1)

XXXX:C75F 00.__
Following the 00. type either 7E for the tilde or 5E for the carat.

Only perform the next step if you need both the tilde and the carat

XXXX:C75E 60.__
Following the 60 type the value of the character that was not selected in
the previous instruction either 7E for tilde for 5E for carat.

XXXX:B84B 19.1A

(1)Two HEX numbers can easily be added in DEBUG by using the "H" command.
As an example, to add 2346 and 5B43 type the following:
H 2346 5B43<CR>
DEBUG will respond with two numbers.  The first number (7E89) is the sum of
the two hex values.  The second number (37FD) is the difference between the
two hex values.

For 286A:


Note the value in the "CS" register.  "XXXX" is equal to 2000 plus the value
of the "CS" register.  For example, if the value of "CS" is 14E8 then the
value of "XXXX" would be equal to 2000 plus 14E8 making a total of 34E81.

-E XXXX:C761<CR>
XXXX:c761 00.__
Following the 00. type either 7E for the tilde or 5E for the carat.

Only perform the next step if you need both the tilde and the carat

-E XXXX:C760<CR>
XXXX:C760 60.__
Following the 60 type the value of the character that was not selected in
the previous instruction either 7E for tilde for 5E for carat.

XXXX:B84D 19.1A


You will need to re-link and re-install your operating system using the
modified "GENOS-2" diskette. If you made the second change, which changes
the left apostrophe "`" to either the carat "" or tilde "~", you will NOT
be able to use the left apostrophe "`" in any filename.

For 68:
Make a copy of the "SYSTEM" diskette rather than the "GENOS-2" diskette and
copy DEBUG.COM onto this diskette.


Note the value in the  "CS" register.  "XXXX" is equal to 2346 plus the
value of the "CS" register.  For example, if the value of "CS" is 5B43 then
the value of "XXXX" would be equal to 2346 plus 5B43 making a total of

-E XXXX:0b21<CR>
19.1A <CR>

Note the value in the "CS" register.  "YYYY" is equal to 3046 plus the value
of the "CS" register.  For example, if the value of "CS" is 5B43 then the
value of "YYYY" would be equal to 3046 plus 5B43 making a total of 8B891.

60.5E <space bar>
00.7E <CR>

-E CS:10B<CR>
75.76 <space bar>
B1.AF <space bar>
2D.AB <CR>

-E CS:110<CR>
55.56 <space bar>
5F.E1 <CR>

-E CS:113<CR>
12.11 <CR>

writing 34000 bytes

Once the 68 patch has been completed, you will need to load the "patched"
operating system on the file server.  Reset the file  server. The server
will return with a message asking if you wish to load from a PC.  Type a "Y"
and then from a workstation attached to one of the first six ports on the
file server place the "SYSTEM" disk with the "patched NET$OS.SYS" in drive
A.  Type LOAD NET$OS.SYS.  The workstation will then load the new operating
system onto the file server and begin the booting procedure.  After the
operating system has been uploaded DO NOT RESET THE FILE SERVER until the
operating system has completed booting.  For more information refer to the
NetWare 68 Installation Manual.

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