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Ran out of redirection area on the new mirror drive.

        Occurs on:  SFT II and TTS.

        Meaning:  This error message is displayed if the REMIRROR
                  console command is used to remirror a drive and the
                  new mirror drive's redirection area completely fills
                  during the background copy process.  This is not a
                  fatal error.  However, the current remirror process
                  will be aborted.

        Cause:  This problem could be caused by having created an
                extremely small disk redirection area.  Otherwise, a
                filled disk redirection area usually indicates that the
                disk drive is having problems and should be repaired or

        Solution:  If the disk redirection area is extremely small, it
                   can be enlarged by using the PREPARE utility.  The
                   default size for the disk redirection area is
                   approximately 2 percent of the total disk capacity.
                   Unless the redirection area is extremely small,
                   enlarging should be considered only a temporary
                   solution until the drive can be replaced.  The
                   redirection area will also have to be increased on
                   the original mirror drive before the two drives can
                   be successfully remirrored.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson