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Hot Fix turned off on drive nn (volume VOLUMENAME)

Occurs on:  SFT I, SFT II, TTS.

     Meaning:    This message indicates that SFT NetWare Level I Hot Fix
                 has been turned off on drive number nn which contains
                 the volume named VOLUMENAME.  Although this is not a
                 fatal error and it will not halt the server, the file
                 server will not boot up the next time that it is reset
                 unless the problem is taken care of.  The problem
                 should be investigated as soon as possible to reduce
                 the risk of losing valuable data.

     Cause:      This message indicates that the disk redirection area
                 that Hot Fix uses has become full and Hot Fix is no
                 longer able to operate.  This can be verified by using
                 the DISK console command.  This message will also be
                 displayed if Hot Fix fails 10 times in a row to
                 correctly write and verify a block of data that it is
                 attempting to redirect.  This indicates severe
                 read/write problems with the disk drive.

     Solution:   A filled disk redirection area usually indicates that
                 the disk drive is having problems and should be
                 repaired or replaced. Hot Fix can be reactivated if the
                 disk redirection area is enlarged by using the PREPARE
                 utility.  This is especially pertinent if the
                 redirection area was originally created smaller than
                 normal (the default size is approximately 2 percent of
                 the total disk capacity).  Unless the redirection area
                 was extremely small, enlarging it should be considered
                 only a temporary solution until the drive can be

                 If the disk redirection area is not full, then Hot Fix
                 was turned off due to the failure of Hot Fix to
                 correctly write and verify 10 times in a row.  This
                 indicates severe problems with the disk and/or channel.
                 The disk, controller, Disk Coprocessor board and all
                 cables associated with the failed drive should be
                 checked.  After replacing the faulty components,
                 COMPSURFing the disk drive may be necessary before
                 reactivating Hot Fix and restoring backed up files.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson