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Invalid Disk ReDirection Index table.

     Occurs on:  SFT I, SFT II, TTS.  This is an Abend error.

     Meaning:    This error indicates that the Disk Redirection Index
                 for the disk redirection area used for Hot Fix has
                 become corrupted.  The Disk Redirection Index contains
                 the mapping information of bad sector numbers and the
                 new sector numbers that the bad sectors have been
                 redirected to.

     Cause:      The most probable cause for this error message is that
                 the Disk ReDirection Index has been overwritten with
                 invalid data.

     Solution:   Run PREPARE to re-setup Hot Fix and rebuild the Disk
                 Redirection Index table.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson