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Error reading redirection table on disk.  Run PREPARE.

     Occurs on:  SFT I.  This is an Abend error.

     Meaning:    This error indicates that the disk redirection table of
                 the currently mounting drive could not be correctly
                 read.  This is the redirection table stored near the
                 end of the disk, not the redirection information stored
                 in sector 14.

     Cause:      This is usually caused by invalid information written
                 on the disk.  This could also be caused by a failure in
                 the drive, Disk Coprocessor board (DCB), controller, or
                 connecting cables.

     Solution:   Run PREPARE on the drive and set up Hot Fix again.  If
                 more problems are encountered, check the drive,
                 controller, DCB, and connecting cables.  Replace any
                 that are bad.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson