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Channel n was shut down due to unrecoverable failure.

     Occurs on:  SFT I, SFT II, TTS.

     Meaning:    Disk channel number n (1, 2, 3, or 4) was shut down
                 after NetWare detected a fatal error on the channel
                 such as a timeout or an invalid interrupt from the Disk
                 Coprocessor board.  This is not a fatal error unless
                 the channel with volume SYS has been shut down.  Any
                 remaining channels may continue to operate.

     Cause:      This error could be caused by faulty connections or by
                 a faulty Disk CoProcessor Board, controller, or disk

     Solution:   Make sure that the Disk CoProcessor Board is properly
                 seated and the connections to the controllers and
                 drives are tight and have not become loose or broken.
                 Next, swap components with known good ones until the
                 problem is found.  Start with the Disk CoProcessor
                 Board and then exchange the controllers and drives.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson