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Attempt to configure non-existent drive.

     Occurs on:  SFT I, SFT II, TTS.  This is an Abend error.

     Meaning:    The operating system attempted to configure and utilize
                 a disk drive that is not attached to the system.

     Cause:      This error is caused by physically removing a drive
                 from the file server and not removing it from the
                 operating system's configuration with the INSTALL

     Solution:   Run the INSTALL utility and remove all drives from the
                 operating system configuration that are not physically
                 connected to the server.  If the system has a Disk
                 Coprocessor board installed, the drive configuration
                 set by the DISKSET utility must also agree with the
                 physical disk configuration.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson