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*** WARNING *** FAT Entry ssss out of order in FILENAME.EXT

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  This error message indicates that the physical disk entries in
          a file's FAT table map are out of consecutive order.  "ssss"
          is the FAT entry number that has the problem and
          "FILENAME.EXT" is the file corresponding to that FAT entry.
          The server keeps track of where (logically) in a file each
          physical disk block belongs, both by linkage order and by
          allocation number.  This is done so that operating systems
          like CP/M and CO/M-86, which allow files to be created with
          large "holes" in them, will work correctly on the server.  If
          a FAT order error is discovered, the server truncates the file
          and reports the problem.  A FAT order error is assumed by the
          server to be a symptom of a FAT link error, where one file has
          been accidentally linked into the disk allocation list of a
          different file.  This is not a fatal error and volume mount
          continues after reporting the error.

Cause:  The most probable cause for FAT Entry errors is a power or
        hardware failure, or by bringing down the network without the
        DOWN command.

Solution:  The user can run VREPAIR to help determine the problem and
           possibly repair it.  If all else fails, the user will need to
           erase the file and restore it from a backup.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson