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*** WARNING *** FAT Table sector sss data mirror mismatch.

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  This message indicates that the primary and secondary (mirror)
          copies of FAT sector "sss" do not match.  This is not a fatal

Cause:  This message might occur if the server was previously halted
        suddenly by a hardware or power failure or by bringing down the
        network without the DOWN command between the time one FAT table
        sector was updated and the time its mirror was written.

Solution:  If a data mirror mismatch is detected, then the server will
           use the primary copy of the information rather than the
           secondary copy since the primary copy is updated to disk
           first when a disk FAT write occurs.  The server does NOT
           automatically make the mirror copy match the primary copy but
           leaves both sectors as they are.  If the server is brought up
           and left running, then any request to write to this FAT
           sector will cause the mirror FAT sector to be automatically
           updated to match the primary FAT table copy.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson