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*** WARNING *** FAT Entry ssss out of bounds in FILENAME.EXT

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  This error indicates that a file's FAT table link that points
          to the next physical area the file occupies corresponds to a
          data block beyond the end of the physical disk.  "ssss"
          corresponds to the FAT table entry number and "FILENAME.EXT"
          is the name of the file that has been affected.  The server
          reports this error and treats it as a file link error by
          truncating the file.  This is not a fatal error and volume
          mount will continue after encountering it.

Cause:  The most probable cause for FAT Entry errors is a power or
        hardware failure, or by bringing down the network without the
        DOWN command.

Solution:  Since the file indicated in the error message has already
           been truncated automatically by the file server, the best way
           to correct the situation is to erase the file and restore it
           from a backup.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson